Socialist Shitbird Clayton Tucker is Simultaneously Afraid of the Weather Being Too Hot AND Too Cold

Local socialist worm and thrice-failed political candidate Clayton Tucker has shown us he’s afraid of a lot of things over the last couple years: honest work, paying his own way, and living in his own place. But this takes the cake.

The same idiot who thinks the world is going to overheat from global warming in 10 years and kill us all (yes, Clayton, that’s what “existential” means):

…is also simultaneously petrified that we will see another once-in-100-years cold snap. He also apparently thinks a couple of dozen ill-cut logs will save him:

Clayton forgets that it was his demand of adding unreliable solar and wind to the grid that fucked everything up in the first place.
Lemme guess: grandpa’s land and trees, grandpa’s truck and mom’s fireplace?

Wow! Impressive! We are well into the cold part of the year and have had numerous cold snaps already and you’re posting pics TODAY of cutting a few logs. Bravo. Do mommy and daddy have a fireplace in their house (where you live upstairs) so you can burn those, or are you just going to pile them on top of yourself for warmth?

Don’t evil fireplaces spew CO2 into the air and kill all of us?? That’s what your fellow greentard morons in California tell us.

Here are the FACTS: climate-related disasters killed FAR fewer people in 2021. In fact, it was 98.7% less than a century ago:


The fact that Comrade Clayton is so scared of the grid failing tells me that the grid will be perfectly fine this winter. That is because Comrade Clayton is 100% wrong on every fucking topic he opines on:

I also thought of something else recently: Comrade Clayton lives in the upstairs bedroom at his parent’s house, right? His parents live at 208 S Western – right by the public library, City Hall AND the police station. It occurs to me that this douchebag probably never lost power at all last February! The hospitals, fire departments and POLICE STATIONS are all considered pretty important and were spared the rolling blackouts that the rest of us (like me) endured. I bet there is a pretty decent chance that his parents’ house is on the SAME power sub-grid as those others.

How about it Clayton? Did you even lose power once at mom and dad’s house? I’ll bet you A HUNDRED DOLLARS that you didn’t, you wannabe working man.

In fact, you posted tweets every single day between February 10th and February 19th! Hard to do without power, I would think. You must have had plenty of time on your hands. Shouldn’t a “rancher” be out at his “ranch” taking care of things instead of posting drivel on Twitter?

You wanna see prepared? It’s called the Rule of Threes (have a backup for your backup) – and it got me through that freak once-in-a-lifetime cold snap without harm and without crying for Ted Cruz or government help.

Unlike you, I don’t just talk about solar panels and not own any. I’ve been solar-powered for ten years:

I also have a backup generator with a massive tank:

…and when that son of a bitch genny shit the bed on day 5 at 6am in zero-degree weather due to a frozen gas regulator, I also had many cords of wood ready to go to heat the house while I thawed that bitch out:

It was fucking mayhem out here in the boondocks – things failing left and right, running around at 2am in the pitch dark freezing cold keeping shit running, keeping the animals alive, going out to manually switch over from grid to genny over and over.

Not ONCE did I think “man, I wish Senator Cruz was here to do all this for me – what a dick he is for heading down to warmer weather”. That’s because I’m not a pussy who expects The Government to take care of me. I do that shit myself. I don’t give a fuck if Cruz flies to Tahiti – what difference does it make in my life?

Do you know how sad it is that you are 31 years old and crave TWO sets of parents to take care of you? Your actual parents, who provide you with a roof over your head…and Big Government, who you want to hand you free shit for life. Grow a dick, man. Grow some balls too, while you are at it.

Man was not meant to suckle mommy’s tit through dentures.

Know what else? I paid for all this shit myself! Mom and Dad didn’t give it to me, like someone else I know.

Crazy, right?