Donkey-Faced Moron Catches Covid, Despite Being Vaxxed and Boosted

Alexandria Ocrazio-Cortex, who could eat a sandwich through a fence, has apparently caught Covid. This is despite taking the “vaccine” AND the additional “vaccines”. Did someone forget to disinfect her feed bag?

This happened one week after she ran away from New York (where there are draconian mask rules) and went to Florida (where there are not) and galivanted around mask-free – despite being a Covid cult member and rabid maskhole herself.

The far-left member of the jihad squad was seen last week at several Miami hotspots, as New York was hit with a record-high number of Covid-19 cases due to the far less mild Omicron variant. New York has also instituted a strict mask and vaccine policy.

To say she is a hypocrite would be putting it mildly. But that’s what socialist scumbags are: morons and hypocrites. Just ask Comrade Clayton.

How will AOC spin this? Blame Florida?

Covid just wants to date AOC:

Covid has jumped from human to burro

I think we should put her on a ventilator just to be sure she gets over Covid.

Given her horse face, this is one time Ivermectin would be EXQUISITELY appropriate. Let’s all bray for her.
