It seems like just yesterday I moved to Lampasas, read the local Radiogram for the first time and asked the bartender at Lucky Ranch: “Does a retard write this thing? I’ve seen better grammar, sentence structure and factual information from a third grader”.
Not long after, I unknowingly ran into Rhonda Witcher herself at The County Seat – and got into a shouting match about socialism and Big Government with her. I remember being absolutely shocked to find a big-government moron liberal in a small town in Texas. After all, I moved here to get away from that kind of shit.
I had no idea it was the same chick who wrote the Radiogram. After I found out, I made sure to get the Radiogram every single day, correct all the spelling, grammar and factual errors in red pen and then drop it off at the radio station. I did this for about six weeks, because I am an asshole that way.
Yes, this is a true story.
Well, over the last 10 years, I have become somewhat desensitized to Rhonda’s stupidity. I was unsurprised to see her fall for all the Covid nonsense. I was even more unsurprised she was still falling for it 18 months later. But her headline yesterday takes the cake. Rhonda, you are a town treasure. You are a village idiot of biblical proportions. Here is what panic-porn peddler Rhonda had to say about the OMICRON variant yesterday:

Yes, you need to watch out for that Omnicrom variant – the one that doesn’t exist because “omnicrom” is not a Greek letter. It is gibberish straight from the brain of Rhonda Witcher. And by “brain”, I mean a single wrong fact rolling around in his empty skull like a BB pellet in an empty tuna fish can.
The Radiogram prints more garbage after that:
Dr. Bhavna Lall, an internal medicine physician and clinical assistant professor at the University of Houston’s College of Medicine, said “It’s really important that people do the measures we already know work — getting vaccinated, getting their boosters if eligible, wearing masks indoors, testing before gathering, and practicing physical and social distancing,” Lall said Wednesday. “We have the tools that we know work, so we want to make sure people use them right now.”
Wrong, Sugar. Literally NONE of the things you listed works. Not one. Not masks, not the vaccines, not social distancing…nothing. Even that pudding-brain Grandpa Joe was FINALLY forced to admit yesterday that “there is no federal solution to the virus”. In other words, all the bullshit we foisted on you was a colossal waste of time. The virus is gonna virus – as I said repeatedly last year.
Ironically, an anagram (look it up, Rhonda) for “omicron” is “moronic” – which is very fitting for Rhonda and his Radiogram.
Even more ironically, Rhonda is about 117 years old, totally decrepit and a prime candidate to get killed off by Covid, according to all his fear-mongering…yet he still draws breath. Amazing! But don’t believe your lying eyes – just take Rhonda’s word for it and be VERY scared of the ‘omnicrom’.