Apparently, Misti Talbert loves inbreeding even more than the British monarchy. I say this because the LEDC just continued its tradition of appointing people to the LEDC board who have (a) already proven to be completely incompetent by their actions over the last decade (Hudson, Schaub) or who represent an obvious conflict of interest because they currently/previously sit on City council (TJ Monroe and Misti Talbert herself) and are overseeing the very board they sit on.
It’s a group of the same names over and over for the last 15 years – and they do nothing but fuck things up, waste money and spin their wheels.
But Misti just took the inbreeding to the next level.
You’ll remember that recently the LEDC opened up the application process to find some new board members. I wrote about it last month because our old friend Comrade Clayton Tucker (local socialist bum and chairwoman of the Lampasas County Democrats) had applied.
Here is a list of people who applied [list on pages 11 through 25]:
Ronnie Vineyard, Roland Schaub, Steve Hudson (those three have been involved with the LEDC forever and have proven themselves incapable), Tim Hefley, Jami Sanchez, Kathy Crawford, Michael Sibberson, and Comrade Clayton Tucker.
So they had FIVE brand new names to choose from. Five people who HAVEN’T been involved in the LEDC shit show for the last 17 years. You know what name WASN’T on that list of applicants last month? Ryan Shahan.
Guess who they appointed to their board?
Ryan Shahan.
If that name sounds familiar, you’re right. He just happens to be the president of Bancorp South – the very bank that raked the LEDC over the coals recently with a new $1.5 million loan AND an extension of an OLD LOAN that will cost the taxpayers over $200,000 in additional interest payments. I wrote about this extensively five months ago:

So Talbert recommended someone who WASN’T EVEN ON THE LIST OF APPLICANTS (Shahan)!! Her logic?
“Talbert advised that it makes good business sense to have a member with a financial background to be on the board”
Pardon me, but Misti Talbert wouldn’t know good business sense if it jumped up and bit her on the ass. She is an imbecile.
New LEDC board member Sid Ball agreed with Talbert’s assessment.
Really? You apparently haven’t had anyone with a “financial background” on the LEDC board for the last 17 years – why change things now? Are you admitting you are all in way over your heads and have bungled everything for the last 17 years? Because I would definitely agree heartily with that notion. I’m just shocked to hear her tacitly admit it!
Sid Ball then moved to REAPPOINT two of the three numb nuts whose terms were up (Hudson and Schaub) and to appoint Ryan Shahan for the third open position [page 3 – bottom of the page].
I guess Ronnie Vineyard just got the boot. The LEDC agreed unanimously, with Ronnie Vineyard as the one board member who didn’t want to give Ronnie Vineyard the boot – LOL.
Apparently Vineyard wants to stay on the LEDC until the day he dies. He must be a serial arsonist who enjoys lighting money on fire. Pretty shocking his buddies gave him the heave-ho this time around. He must have pissed somebody off because he has been there for a long, long time.
The kicker? One of the applicants (Tim Hefley) listed his experience as “construction management” and has worked in the private sector for a long time. Yeah, you don’t want a guy like that on the board as you embark on yet ANOTHER phase of the “business park” construction project.
What a bunch of absolute inbred maroons.