Lefty Imbecile Who Voted To Put Demented, Economy-Ruining Pants Shitter Into White House Now Asking For Your Business

You almost have to admire the chutzpah and lack of self-awareness. Not to mention the complete lack of understanding between cause and effect:

Not a business.

This is very rich coming from a raging left-wing loon who (with the help of election fraud) put a demented, green-new-deal-loving, corrupt, pants-shitting retard into the White House.

Every REAL small business is struggling now with supplies, inflation and a tight labor market thanks to Biden’s idiotic mandates and policies. But fake business owner Julie Cain Landrum (who employs nobody at all and who is open only a few days a week) wants you to help her out.

Yeah, I’ll help you out: fuck Wool & Vine. If you were drowning, I’d throw you a cinder block.

I AM however, going to send you a nice Christmas present, just like I did last year. Hang it on your tree with pride.