Biden’s First Year…

Let me sum it up:

  • Prices of everything are soaring due to uncontrolled inflation.
  • Cargo ships are sitting off the coasts of our major ports unable to unload while the Secretary of Transportation took two months off for paternity leave.
  • People are refusing to work because they’re getting paid more by the government not to work.
  • Cops, nurses, firefighters, corrections officers, and other “essential workers” who were heralded as heroes during the pandemic are being fired for not getting a vaccine that they don’t need or want, while the Biden administration cheers it on.
  • Vaccine mandates prevent people from going to stores and restaurants, and will soon prevent you from flying on planes and sending your kids to school.
  • Dissenting voices are being banned from social media platforms and spied on by the federal government.
  • Thirteen marines were killed by terrorists as a result of a poorly planned evacuation from Afghanistan, and we responded by killing cars full of innocent Afghan children.
  • Our southern border is non-existent, and every day thousands of unvaccinated illegal immigrants flood into our country before being distributed around the nation where they can remain for the rest of their lives and collect off the taxpayers.
  • Critical race theory and transgenderism are being pushed on our children in schools, and some girls are getting raped in the bathroom by boys in skirts
  • Parents who complain about the state of public schools are being labeled as domestic terrorists by the federal government, and the Justice Department has directed the FBI to investigate them
  • January 6 is being used by the government to curtail civil liberties of American citizens in the name of public safety, despite the fact that the only person killed on that day was Ashli Babbitt
  • We have no idea who is even running the country, as our elected President is not allowed to answer questions from the press