Local Socialist Maggot Clayton Tucker Smears Texas Congressman

The 30-year-old, able-bodied unemployed bum who lives upstairs at his parents’ house at 208 S Western Street STILL thinks there was an “insurrection” on January 6th. He thinks Louis Gohmert is an “embarrassment” who “needs to go”:

Why would he think this? Why does socialist Clayton Tucker cling to the falsehood that there was an “insurrection” on January 6th? After all, none other than the nation’s Attorney General admitted a few days ago that not a SINGLE ONE of the people charged on Jan 6th were charged with “insurrection” after Louis Gohmert himself made Garland look like a complete fool on national TV. Not one. That is a pile of made-up bullshit the dems keep repeating like parrots in order to draw away from the fact they stole an election last November.

He believes it because he is a very, very dumb person.

Socialist bum Clayton Tucker gets his information from a website called “Texas Signal” – a sad liberal fishwrapper run by fellow commies. THEY got THEIR information from a Rolling Stone article that was sourced by….wait for it…”anonymous sources”:

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-1) was one of several Republican members of Congress who helped plan the January 6 pro-Trump rally that led to an insurrection, according to a bombshell report by Rolling Stone. The report cited two anonymous sources, one of whom was referred to as a “rally organizer” and the other as “a planner,” who claimed they participated in planning meetings involving members of Congress and White House staff ahead of the attack. 

BAHAHAHAHA. AGAIN with the anonymous sources? Didn’t you dummies learn your lesson with the whole “Trump is a Putin agent” and the Steele dossier? You spent YEARS repeating an obvious falsehood then looked like complete fools when it all unraveled.

Of course, socialist dummies like Clayton Tucker will believe anything – which is why he runs around in a mask despite being vaccinated.

This isn’t the first time socialist bum Clayton Tucker (who is also the Chairman of Lampasas County Democrats) has made baseless and false accusations against Texas politicians. He was mad at Ted Cruz for the same reason and wanted everyone to sign a petition to get rid of him:

Unemployed maggot libels a sitting U.S. Senator by accusing him of engaging in insurrection

You make me laugh, Clayton Tucker, you socialist bum and Bernie Sanders lover. You remind me of a teenaged girl running for class president who tries to get everyone to sign a petition to make the cafeteria serve more pizza at lunch or something. LOL. Total loser.