In case you haven’t noticed, this is “Kick a Socialist Scumworm Week” here at Lampasshole Labs. Comrade Clayton is giving me lots of material lately.
His latest complaint is that “the rich” don’t pay their fair share. He laments that all those evil rich people are doing well while “the rest of us flatline”

Clayton, your whole fucking LIFE is a “flat line”. That’s what happens when you don’t work. Your net worth stays at zero. Zero money. Zero chicks. Zero respect. Zero brains. Zero skills. Zero accomplishments.
He is also obsessed with the minimum wage and likes to take a shit on billionaires who actually produce things while ignoring millionaires who got rich by being politically connected scumbags (Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, Gore, Elon Musk, etc)

This may come as a shock to Clayton Tucker, but the “minimum wage” around town now is about $12/hr. It is even higher if you can show up on time and just NOT be a complete fuckup while at work.
Who cares what the government says the minimum wage is? Nobody is really being paid that. The FREE MARKET pays much higher. I can just see Clayton’s mom trying to explain this to him while trying to get him out of her upstairs bedroom and gainfully employed:
Mom yelling upstairs in her own house: “Clayton, honey? Maybe you should get out there and get a job, sweetie! There are some attractive wages all over town! We live right in the middle of town so you could even walk there so you reduce your carbon footprint and maybe get rid of that huge mushy spare tire you have developed around your midsection, honey!”
Clayton: “Mom, you are so stupid and don’t understand the oppression of the proletariat! I have been working HARD ALL DAY on my laptop posting Tweets and demanding fairness in the world. I am DEMANDING free healthcare and college. This is important work I am doing!”
Mom: “That’s nice, sweetie. But it doesn’t really pay the rent. Perhaps you should get one of those jobs and then get your own place? I’m getting tired of picking up your semen-crusted socks next to your Bernie Sanders shrine up there!”
Clayton: “Whatever, mom. Just give me some gas money so I can drive to Austin and yell into a bullhorn with a bunch of other losers.”

Socialist scumworms are consumed with envy. If they took 1/10th of the time they spent coveting and directed it towards being a productive member of society, they wouldn’t be living with mom and dad and whining about the rich.
Personally, I don’t give a shit how many people become billionaires – as long as it was done in the free market by providing something everyone freely wants and is willing to trade their money for. That means they are creating value.
Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Dr Dre, Ray Kroc, Henry Ford, Jeff Bezos, the guy who started Jimmy Johns. They all invented something people wanted badly. Those are the GOOD rich people. They make our life much easier and much more pleasant. We value their product or service far more than the dollars in our hand – therefore, we come out ahead.

The CORRUPT rich people are the bastards you should be complaining about and hanging from lamp posts. The government parasites and subsidy truffle-hounds like Elon Musk. I would lump just about every scumbag Wall Street banker in there too, since they were all bailed out by the taxpayer in 2008. Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, Larry Summers and all the scumbags who ride the revolving door between the Federal Reserve and the private sector (Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen, Tim Geithner, Stanley Fischer, Neel Kashkari, etc).
Then you have all the politicians who produce and create NOTHING yet somehow are worth hundreds of millions of dollars – like Al Gore, the Clintons, Nancy Pelosi, Eric Holder, Barack Obama, that piece of shit Paul Ryan, etc – THOSE “rich people” are scumbags and thieves.
Comrade Clayton doesn’t take them to task because they are his heroes – scumbags love a scumbag, I guess.