As children across the country are forced to cover their faces for hours at a time to attend school, President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill were caught on camera flouting DC’s mask mandates at an upscale Georgetown restaurant, Fiola Mare (whose mask policy they were also violating).

In a video posted Sunday night, the Bidens can be seen leaving the restaurant as employees in the background are dutifully masked up – a ‘fuck you, plebs’ not seen since the Met Gala event last month.

Every single one of these pro-mask scumbag libs has been caught doing this over and over.
Of course, we hear nary a peep from the morons who voted this guy in – morons like Bruce Haywood, Clayton Tucker, Julie Cain Landrum and Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris. They are happy to obey useless mandates while the elites do whatever they want.

I guess some people are just born to be bitches who eat shit and ask for more, right Bruce? Then again, looking at Bruce, he’ll eat anything I guess.