The crazy cane lady is back! She has something to say about masks, ya’ll! Apparently some old guy was ridiculed in the Walmart parking lot for wearing a mask recently. Predictably, the hordes came out to publicly signal their virtue about how this was a terrible thing to do. Ironically, many of the SAME ASSHOLES were doing the EXACT SAME THING just last year to those of us who REFUSED to wear a mask.
Fate loves irony.
Our old friend Melissa Johnson had to jump in with her two cents. In the process, she revealed herself to be the giant scumbag hypocrite I always knew her to be:

Oh, what’s that? You ALREADY spent your entire life wearing a mask for allergies? Wow. It must have been a HUGE sacrifice for you last year to…wait for it…KEEP wearing a mask as you had been doing your whole life, you absolute scumbag. Funny how you never mentioned that during all of your many Facebook rants against us anti-maskers.
So you sacrificed nothing and made zero changes to your life – then pretended you were doing it “for others”, like a scumbag would do:

Of course, crazy cane lady was too stupid to understand that the giant pollen particles that give her problems are orders of magnitude bigger than the tiny virus she was worried about. The virus actually goes right through the mask – that’s science.
But she doesn’t actually care about science, does she? She just wants payback for all those years of being ridiculed as a dorky mask-wearing kid. What better way to do that than to force EVERYONE to wear a mask AND pretend you’re “doing it for others” – so you can give a little meaning to your meaningless life.
Sad, really.
Eventually, Saint Anthony got caught admitting the same thing about masks – which vindicated us “crazy anti-science conspiracy theorists”

I also love her calling out those people as having “malfunctioning social skills”. LOL. This is the same nerd who thinks she is a member of Starfleet Command at age fifty-something:

She also says that “those fools will meet up with their own medicine”, in yet another pathetic attempt to seek retribution for her shitty childhood. I can just picture her in her weed-infested yard in front of her hovel shaking her cane at the world and screaming “You’ll be sorry! You’ll see!! You’ll all be VERY sorry!!” like the unhinged Covid Cult loon she is.
Well, I’m sorry, all right – sorry that you’re wrong yet again. I have been mask free for like 19 months now AND I caught Covid. I’m still here alive and kicking and calling you a scumbag. So are about 130 million other people who caught and recovered from Covid – like Porkchop Kuehne.

She must be SO disappointed that the plague didn’t wipe out all of us “fools” who realized the mask was useless and our chances of survival were about 99.99%
But you go ahead and keep wearing that mask, dum-dum. I’m sure you’ll be proven right someday. LOL.