FBI And Justice Department Will Be Surveilling Parents Who Question Masks And Critical Race Theory

The fad of roasting your local school board over CRT and masks has been popular amongst those of us with common sense across the country. In response to this, Attorney General Merrick Garland this week announced that the FBI would be mobilized to investigate parents who actually speak up, who they now consider to be domestic terrorists.

The same FBI that let Brian Laundrie walk away from his home undetected, and allowed the Tsarnaev brothers to plot a terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon, will now be allocating its limited resources to convene meetings with all 14,000 school districts in the country. There they will discuss plans to stop the non-existent threats against School Committee members and teachers.

This is what your tax dollars go towards.

I hope Republicans are taking notes. This is what you do with power when you have it. You use the FBI, and every other law enforcement agency possible as a weapon agains your political opponents. I’m not a fan of this personally, but it’s how the game is played now. You can cry about it or you can destroy your enemies. The moral high ground isn’t going to get you anywhere.

To be clear, there is no “spike in harassment, intimidation and threats of violence.” This is just something they’re using in order to give themselves more power and use men with guns to come after law abiding parents. It’s the same thing they used to take away civil liberties after September 11, and the same rationale they used to put unarmed protesters in solitary confinement for the imaginary “insurrection” on January 6. Throughout history our government, and all tyrannical governments, use the pretext of fear in order to mobilize law enforcement to crush political dissidents. There is no Holocaust without the Reichstag fire in 1933. There was no Patriot Act without the World Trade Center being attacked.

Except people speaking at School Committee meetings isn’t comparable to fires or terrorist attacks. They found a couple isolated incidents in random states where tyrannical child abusers were made to feel uncomfortable and are pretending that there’s some sort of epidemic of violence. There isn’t. If they actually cared about stopping violence they’d be spying on Antifa and black lives matter, since they’ve caused significantly more carnage and destruction than any parent at a School Committee meeting could ever dream of.

This was a gift to School Committees and administrators who couldn’t believe that taxpaying citizens had the audacity to show up at meetings and express their opinions in public. These are people who are used to no one paying attention, and the fact that parents were suddenly mobilized was a threat to their monopoly on power.

If you voted for Joe Biden, just understand that YOU did this. You elected an authoritarian government that is now weaponizing the FBI against peaceful parents for the crime of being invested in their children’s education. If you’re OK with this then you are a horrible person and a piece of shit, and we will use the government to crush you once the pendulum swings and we regain power.

P.S. – I bet you didn’t know that Merrick’s daughter, Rebecca Garland, is married to the co-founder of an education resource company that pushes critical race theory.