Lampasas City Manager Now Budgeted $353,830

Good thing they raised electricity rates to pay for Finley’s perks!

Full time salary: $272,950

Finley got a secret raise to $140,000 in the middle of the pandemic last year. That is still nowhere close to $273k. I am assuming they are once again budgeting for an assistant City manager, but I find it hard to believe that the ACM will be paid anywhere near the manager salary. This implies a salary of around $130k for the ACM.

Maybe Finley got another silent raise that nobody bothered to tell us about. Maybe it’s time to request Finley’s paystubs.

Extra pay: $5,384

What’s extra pay? It’s just more on top of Finley’s big pile. Shaddup and pay your electric bill, bitch!

Car allowance: $6,000

Five hundred a month for Finley to drive around town? Sure – why not.

Retirement benefits: $45,440

That’s annually. Every year.

Insurance benefits: $23,587

I still don’t know how the City pays so much for health insurance. I pay $7,000 a year out here in the real world all by myself with no big organization to (presumably) negotiate better rates. Yet somehow, every employee in the City seems to cost about $12,500 to insure.

Throw in the rest (phone, travel allowance, etc) and the entire “City Manager” Department now costs the taxpayers $385,000 per year. Or nearly FIFTEEN HUNDRED DOLLARS every business day.

Remember, all public employees salaries are PUBLIC. The taxpayer has a right to know. Link HERE to a list of employees.

Also remember that according to Finley himself, you need to multiply an employee’s salary by 1.4 to get an accurate cost to the taxpayer. Benefits are usually about 40% of salary, according to him.

So when someone’s salary is “only” $60,000, the REAL number is more like $84,000 when you include those benefits and perks.