This is Nicole Peoples from Las Vegas:

This week she gained national attention and got a bunch of morons to donate $27K and counting to her GoFundMe after virtue signaling on Facebook about how her brainwashed son Mason refused to take his mask off for school pictures.
A 6-year-old boy who refused to take his mask off for his school picture is getting a large reward for following the rules. Mason Peoples had sat down in front of the camera to get his picture taken when the photographer told him he could take off his mask, Mason’s mother, Nicole, wrote on Facebook. Mason informed the photographer that “My mom said to keep it on all the time unless I’m eating and far away from everybody.” The photographer went on to say that it would be OK to take the mask off for the picture but Mason insisted that he keep it on.
“My mom seriously told me to make sure to keep it on,” Mason said. “I always listen to my mom!”
His mom created a GoFundMe account after saying that many people had reached out asking if they could send money for gifts, ice cream, or Mason’s college as a reward. Nicole Peoples initially sought out to raise $7 but the GoFundMe account ended up collecting more than $24,000.

This quote really summed it up:
Mason: My mom said to keep it on all the time unless I’m eating and far away from everybody.
Congratulations Mom – you’ve psychologically abused your child to the point where he’s afraid to come in contact with other children and smile for pictures. Better make a GoFundMe so other sheep can reward you for raising a blind follower who doesn’t think for himself and believes that a virus will jump into his mouth and kill your whole family if he smiles for his school pictures.
The comments on this story paint a picture to how pathetic and ridiculous this stupid virus has made our society.

“This isn’t about the mask at all – it’s about a young man being obedient. Well done, little one!”
I’ve never seen any comment in the history of the Internet more telling and honest than that one. She admits that the mask has nothing to do with science, but those who question it are inherently bad. Those who simply obey and do as the state tells them to do at all times are the good people.
If you ever wondered why little Nazi kids ratted on their parents or turned in their neighbors for harboring Jews, this is why – human beings equate obedience to virtue. They believe that a strong and powerful government is the most effective way to prevent instability, and that those who question or rebel against the government are a threat to the common good. It’s why fascism was so popular – because it presented itself as the bulwark against the more dangerous and unsafe alternative of freedom. You cannot get people to give up their rights if you don’t scare the shit out of them first.
Perhaps most pathetic of all was this teacher.

These people have lost their minds. There’s no other way around it. She’s obese and at risk if she gets the virus, but instead of bragging about how she’s eating healthy and exercising she’s virtue signaling about how she covered her face with a cloth diaper.
Mason didn’t stand up for himself, and he certainly shouldn’t be proud. I’d be proud of him or any student who refused to wear their masks in school and led a student revolt that forced administration to change their policy because they can’t suspend everyone. That would be standing up yourself.