Pork Chops With a Heaping Side of Hypocrisy

Cathy Kuehne just keeps proving over and over what a dunce she is. Her recent rantings and ramblings on Covid are just a huge jumble of lies, stupidity and hypocrisy.

Let’s look at a few examples, shall we?

At the September 13 council meeting, she got into a pissing match with a member of the audience about a new Covid benefit for City employees. That was when she made up the huge pile of shit that she “put herself at risk” every day as a teacher – because of, like, Covid and stuff.

The very Covid she already had back in February, but OK Porkchop. If you say so.

THEN, she whined to the audience member that “If I were to get Covid directly from a student, the school district says ‘take your own time’ and I don’t think it’s right” [see 1:06:17]

WRONG again, Porkchop. Either she is too stupid to know her own school’s policy OR she is lying her face off here to look like a martyr. Doesn’t really matter – the bottom line is that as a teacher, she DOES get Covid time. It was on the front page of the Dispatch back in January:

‘In addition, trustees voted to give all school district employees an additional 10 days of paid leave for “COVID-19-related issues,” Millican said

That’s not “if you’re sick with Covid”, by the way. That’s “Covid-related issues”, which is so vague that only a true moron could not figure out a way to take advantage of that 2-week paid vacation if they wanted to.

So don’t cry about your school not taking care of you, ok Porkchop? You get better benefits than just about anybody in the private sector, you ingrate.

But there is more! It turns out that besides being a pretend martyr, and a liar or an uninformed school district employee (take your pick) she is ALSO a giant hypocrite!

She wails about how she “puts herself at risk every day” by bravely walking into the school. Yet she is MORE than happy to spend a ton of time unmasked around kids if it means she can make a buck!

Porkchop (and hubby) puts herself at risk for $$$

That’s right. Porkchop and her husband are the ones who take all those pictures of your kids at sporting events – basketball, cheerleading, etc. In fact, she was doing just that mere days after whining about putting herself at risk in school!

So I guess it’s ok to “put yourself at risk” selling wildly overpriced photos to parents, right?

This just proves my point about how ridiculous it is to try and point to where you “caught Covid” when it comes to cops and firefighters (and teachers or anyone else). If Porkchop DID come down with Covid a second time a week from now, she would no doubt blame it on the school and demand paid time off (which she already gets).

She would conveniently ignore the fact that she was ALSO around a bunch of kids later that same day and could have just as easily caught it from THEM. There is simply no way to know.

One thing is for sure, if there are a few bucks to be made, Porkchop’s Covid hysteria and histrionics go right out the window.