Back to some more from the Dispatch article (see Part I here).
“Underwood said staff work more than 15-hour shifts every day, with some aiding in the transport of patients to nearby hospitals due to a shortage of beds. Doctors like Cain have even seen patients in their vehicles outside the clinic.“
The implication here is that the clinic is SO full and overflowing with those terrible unvaccinated hillbillies, that there is just no room in the clinic!
This is another bald-faced lie by that dumb bastard James Cain. As luck would have it, just last week my girlfriend AND her 6yo girl went to this very clinic. They had symptoms for strep throat and needed to be tested.
Lo and behold, since the little girl had a fever, they were told to wait outside in the car!
So the reason there are so many people sitting in their cars outside, is that you IDIOTS are MAKING THEM SIT IN THEIR CARS. God forbid we let anyone inside a DOCTOR’S OFFICE with a fever! The medical profession has only been doing that for about 200 years up until March 2020.
[Turns out they BOTH had strep throat. Shocker!]
I mean, if someone has a fever, then it MUST be Covid, right? There are no other illnesses around anymore, I guess. I don’t know why FMC is so scared to let a little girl with a fever into the office, since presumably THEY are all vaccinated, right James Cain? Surely your own house is in order over there before you start demanding the entire world get the jab. So why not let sick people actually enter the fucking clinic? Not to mention, you make EVERYONE wear a mask as well!
Nah – makes too much sense.
Speaking of moronic policies, Cain talks about that too:
“I’ve seen more of this than I’ve ever seen in my community, and I’m tired. We’re all tired,” Cain said. “I would say not just in a medical establishment but in all establishments, there’s a healthcare shortage across the board, as it is in every industry right now. So, when you’re pulling up to the front desk [at the hospital] … just be thankful that guy came in to work that day. Because that person is working more hours than they ever had.”
There is a shortage, alright. But it’s not because of us unvaccinated rubes. It’s because moron hospital administrators are firing nurses all over the country who refuse to get the vaccine:

You know…those YOUNG and FEMALE nurses who worked ALL last year without a vaccine and many of whom ALREADY caught it and have natural immunity. These same nurses that see Covid up close and personal – so maybe they know a thing or two about who is REALLY dying from Covid (hint: super old, morbidly obese, and those with other problems like diabetes):

Perhaps the nurses are WELL AWARE that scumbag hospital administrators have called EVERYTHING Covid to grab that federal money and they know GOOD AND WELL that the Covid numbers are wildly inflated:
Study finds CDC inflated COVID numbers by 1,600%
Perhaps these YOUNG and FEMALE nurses did a cost/benefit analysis in their heads and decided their chances of dying from Covid were miniscule and were not worth injecting a substance whose long-term effects are unknown?

Nah – dumb bastards like James Cain and hospital administrators all over the country (who are mostly old men, probably) don’t give a shit about the science – or the young women who busted their asses last year WITHOUT a vaccine. Guys like James Cain just say “jab em all and let God sort em out!”
We’ll get to the final Part III of this soon…..