Jesus what a shitty article. So much data left out. So many questions left unasked. No offense, Monique Brand, but you should do a little more digging in ALL of your articles.
First of all, James Cain has ZERO respect for naturally acquired immunity – he acts like it doesn’t exist. Perhaps he slept through that class in med school. How do I know this? Because I actually went to him a few months ago for a regular checkup and said I wanted to get tested for Covid antibodies. His response?
“What purpose would that serve?”
He literally said that.
I was shocked. Seriously? It serves the purpose of informing me if I have natural immunity and therefore don’t need the vaccine, you dumb bastard. I couldn’t believe my ears. I hadn’t been that stunned by a doctor’s stupidity since Morris Patteson (known abuser of pain pills) told me 8 years ago that two drinks a day would ruin my liver.
OK buddy.
Of course quacks like this only know one word: VACCINE.
You never hear any other words, like HCQ, vitamin D, zinc, Ivermectin, natural antibodies, lose some fucking weight, vitamin C, monoclonal antibodies, Remdesivir, get some exercise, etc. No, all you hear is “vaccine” and the implication that THAT will solve all our problems. Which is complete bullshit, of course:

I’m going to throw out some Dispatch article quotes in no particular order and then tear James Cain a new asshole – because a lot of what he says is straight-up bullshit. I’ll start with my favorite:
“People’s hesitancy to get the vaccination is real, and it’s understandable. And you know the thing that I’ve got the realization of since I’ve been through this since last year … is that people’s ability to really grasp all these details is difficult.”
Yes, it’s so difficult for us retarded, backwards swine to grasp all the details. Only smart doctors like James Cain can read and comprehend news and studies. Don’t bother believing your own eyes or what you see in your own family or social circle. No, we morons should just believe every word that guys like him tell us. He even says as much!
“Cain said he discusses the vaccine science to hesitant patients and stresses the need to “trust in their doctors.”
Oh….trust the doctors? Like these two?

That would be the same Fauci that got caught red-handed lying about masks last year – so fuck him.
Walenski was a college professor a year ago and is now so drunk with power that she openly ignores science in addition to issuing unconstitutional mandates about rental evictions. So fuck her, too.
Both those doctors have a LOT more letters after their names than James Cain, so I guess we should listen to them even harder? Or something like that.
Hell, last July our local health authority was telling everyone in the Radiogram that wearing a bandana over your mouth was a good way to stop the spread. That doctor was 100% wrong also.
We have also seen doctors outright LIE over and over again. Remember THIS bitch??
Virtue Signaling Doc in Alabama Makes Up Obvious Lie About Young Healthy People Dying From COVID
Other doctors got caught actively trying to think up ways to scare people with bullshit:
Leaked Zoom Video Exposes Hospital Officials Discussing COVID-19 Scare Tactics
Not to mention the CDC and pharmaceutical companies are lying and obfuscating the REAL number of vaccine deaths and issues by using an arbitrary “14 days after second shot” definition of vaccinated:
Rep Demands HHS Address Claims Of Underreported Vaccine Injuries Following Project Veritas Video
I’m sure the super smart James Cain knows that if you get a “vaccine” shot and die the next day, you are not counted as “vaccinated” and that death doesn’t “count” as a vaccine death. If you get the SECOND shot and die three days later, that doesn’t count either. The current definition of “vaccinated” means a full FOURTEEN DAYS after the SECOND shot!
Consequently, there are a hell of a lot of people in the hospital and morgue who had several “vaccine” shots in them but they aren’t counted. The brilliant El Gato Malo does his analysis below:
Why “vaccinated covid deaths/hospitalizations” Are Being Counted Incorrectly
But we can’t listen to El Gato Malo, because he’s not a super smart doctor with letters after his name. He’s just a rube using math, common sense and real-world data, the fool.
It’s possible the vaccine is helpful for those older than 65 and those with huge underlying problems – like being 150 pounds overweight. Do a cost benefit analysis and make your own decisions. But make no mistake – there ARE costs to the vaccine (possible death, strokes, heart issues, becoming paralyzed, etc)
People under the age of 40 (especially females) who are otherwise healthy probably DON’T need a vaccine and taking one may actually WORSEN THE SPREAD!
Healthy people who have ALREADY HAD Covid also don’t need a vaccine. But you’d never know it if you go see James Cain! He doesn’t even comprehend why you might want to know if you have Covid antibodies!!

Part II coming soon…..