There are few things funnier to me than a moron trying to look like a genius. Kinda like local lemonade stand hobbyist Julie Landrum yapping about quantum physics:

Except maybe a chimp riding a Segway…..that’s funnier:
Speaking of primates looking ridiculous…..
Cathy Kuehne tried hard to look smart at the last council meeting. Unfortunately, she only succeeded in looking like a smug ass-hat, in my humble opinion. Thank god this public school teacher doesn’t teach any real subjects like math or science, because she is a dyed-in-the-wool moron.
What did she say? Well, it all came down to the new IDIOTIC Covid policy being forced on the City by the state of Texas and douchebag Rep Dustin Burrows (we’ll get to him later).
A copy of the legislation is HERE and another copy can be found in the City council meeting packet HERE [page 91].
In essence, it is giving MORE paid time off to cops and firefighters for “Covid”.
This is ridiculous for several reasons:
- City employees ALREADY get plenty of time off. I’ve covered this HERE. Sick leave accrues at a rate of 3.69 hours per bi-weekly pay period. That translates into 12 days per year. They ALSO get ‘free’ health insurance from the City.
- It shouldn’t matter if you get sick with a head cold, the flu, pneumonia, a bad appendix, or Covid. It’s ALL the same in that you are missing work. Besides, haven’t you heard that the flu has been eliminated? So nobody needs time off for THAT anymore:

- There is NO WAY IN HELL you can pin down where a cop or firefighter or anybody else actually contracted Covid, so don’t come at me with that horseshit. Most studies show it is transmitted in the home.
But Kuehne has never been one to traffic in logic or common sense. I doubt she reads any studies and statistics. After all, she is a liberal who teaches finger painting.
SHE thinks that: “if we are asking firefighters and police to put themselves in harm’s way…and if they contract Covid…on the job…they deserve for the City to take care of them….without taking family medical leave….because that is not FAMILY medical leave, because it happened WHILE DOING THEIR JOB” [emphasis mine because she sounded so incredibly condescending here that I wanted to strangle her]
[Go to 105:00:00 mark to hear her bullshit]
First of all, Porkchop – the City ALREADY “TAKES CARE OF THEM”. They get free insurance through the City AND they accrue sick leave at the aforementioned rate, which comes out to 12 sick days per year. That is in ADDITION to a lot of vacation time:

Secondly – it is IMPOSSIBLE for you or anyone else to know exactly where a police officer or firefighter or anyone else caught Covid. If you think otherwise, you are a moron.
Porkchop then said that “I think other businesses should do the same thing” [offer a bunch of extra “free” time off for Covid]
Of course you do! Because you have never owned or run a business in your life! You are a liberal who thinks money grows on trees! You have spent your LIFE collecting a government check, so please stick a sock in it when it comes to ANYTHING involving the real world – because you don’t live there and have no idea what you are talking about. You have a government Nerf job playing with paint all day. Count your blessings and let the adults deal with the real world, mmmkay?
It gets better though! Porkchop Kuehne then lumps herself in with the heroes too! Listen to how thick Porkchop lays it on here:
“Personally, besides doing City council, I’m a teacher…and I put myself at risk every day”
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Sure you do Porkchop. The art teacher is apparently forgetting that SHE ALREADY HAD COVID. It was such a terrible case of Covid, in fact, that she didn’t even know she had it and stayed home to make panko porkchops:

So the brave art teacher who puts herself at risk ALREADY HAD COVID seven months ago, and thus has natural antibodies. Those natural antibodies are FAR more effective than the vaccine.
I’m also assuming she went ahead and got vaccinated anyways despite having natural antibodies – because she is stupid like that. So now she is like, double and triple protected, right? At least that what libs have been yammering about all year – that the vaccine is a suit of armor. Hardly putting yourself at risk, Porkchop.

Oh, then there is the inconvenient fact that teachers are NOT at any higher risk of contracting Covid than anyone else:
Teachers Have No Higher Risk of Severe COVID-19: Study
Ouch. How can one person be wrong so many times in one breath? Truly, it boggles the mind.
The fact that Kuehne is (1) making million-dollar decisions on City council AND (2) teaching your children anything more than tying their shoes should scare the shit out of every Lampasshole in town.