Chane Rascoe Must Not Read The News

Honest to GOD, I was just about to sit down three days ago and make a nice post about how awesome the Lampasas ISD was for not being sucked back into the mask mandate bullshit and for returning to normalcy – free of Plexiglas and social distancing and the rest of the nonsense.

Then Chane had to go and screw the pooch with this nugget the very next day:

This collective bullshit is known as “hygiene theater” and it is completely useless. Even more useless than the “security theater” the TSA puts on at the airport when they grab grandpa’s nutsack before getting on the airplane.

Extra cleaning routines DO NOTHING. The Covid battle is not fought on surfaces. I’m pretty sure that was all proven about a year ago. This is nothing more than a charade put on by Chane Rascoe to appease the small number of idiot parents who probably can’t balance their checkbooks, let alone understand a bar graph. Like Veronica Rose.

Social distancing? An even bigger joke – which was proven by people a hell of a lot smarter than Chane Rascoe or Chels LaJuan. But they’re going to do it anyways – because they are assholes who don’t care about science or doing psychological damage to little kids. They just want to (a) appease a tiny number of moron parents and (b) protect their $170,000 per year jobs by “doing something” – even if that “something” is totally useless in stopping viral spread and most likely does damage to kids.

Banning parents from campus? You mean the very same parents that all these kids go home to every night and spend the next 17 hours with? That makes a lot of sense – seeing as how most transmission takes place in the home already. Banning parents from campus is – you guessed it! – more useless theater that accomplishes nothing except to fuck up the kids’ school experience.

I fear it is only a matter of time before these morons bring back the mask mandate. Then we will see some fireworks.