Waco ISD Superintendent Susan Kincannon Is A Scumbag And Child Abuser

Susan Kincannon is the wildly overpaid moron ($250,000 plus benefits) who currently holds the position of Superintendent for the Waco ISD.

Don’t let the “I’m just a fat, jolly grandma” façade fool you. This woman is a menace and needs to be fired.

She has decided – in defiance of the Governor’s orders – to institute a mask mandate for the Waco school system.

Waco public school students, teachers and staff will be required to wear masks beginning Monday due to the rising number of COVID-19 cases in Waco schools, Waco ISD Superintendent Susan Kincannon said Thursday.

In a letter to families and school employees, Kincannon said she will order face masks to be worn inside all schools and district buildings, noting that since classes started Monday, 55 people that had spent time at a campus or other facility had tested positive for COVID-19.

Oh no! Fifty-five positive tests! Not 55 sick people. Not 55 dead kids. No, just 55 people who have “tested positive” – no doubt using the thoroughly discredited and overly sensitive PCR test at 42 cycles.

Fifty-five positive tests in a school system with 14,500 students. In other words, literally 99.7% of students did NOT test positive. Clearly, this bitch was never a math teacher.

This woman then continues to lie her face off:

“In my visits to schools this week, I was heartened to see many (but by no means all) of our students and employees voluntarily wearing masks,” Kincannon wrote. “Masks have repeatedly been shown to reduce the spread of the virus, and increasing the number of people wearing masks will make our schools a safer place in the midst of this pandemic. We will continue to consult with medical experts and monitor both legal and public health developments. Right now, though, I believe that Waco ISD has to do our part to stop the spread of COVID-19 in our community.”

That is a bald-faced lie. There is no simpler way to state it. This woman is a liar who wants to smother kids in face diapers. That makes her a special kind of scumbag. If the Waco ISD school board had any balls whatsoever, she would be fired tomorrow for child abuse. She should lose her ridiculous $250,000 salary, her pension AND her freedom. She should be jailed as a child abuser.


This simple-minded tyrant is in charge of the educational opportunities of other people’s children. She is clearly unhealthy, does not take care of herself physically, and is choosing to smother herself with a face diaper despite being vaccinated. She clearly has a mental disorder

She is a political hack with no school-aged children attempting to hurt other people’s children.

I encourage ALL parents of kids in the Waco school system to ignore this half-wit. You should send your kids to school MASKLESS next week and see what they do. If your child is suspended or expelled, you now have grounds for a massive lawsuit. PARENTS are the ones who make medical decisions for their kids. NOT political hacks and half-wits like Susan Kincannon.

These people are evil and you shouldn’t feel the need to be nice or cordial to them. Remember that they are trying to abuse your children, they are your enemy, and they should be treated as such. Under no circumstances should you attempt to find common ground with them. They seek to destroy your way of life, and you should seek to destroy theirs.