Moron Covid Cult Parents Trying To Ruin School Year…Again

I really can’t believe we are back at this point once again. Almost TWO YEARS after the virus was released from a Chinese lab, and after mountains of evidence shows masks and social distancing do nothing, and after more mountains of evidence show kids are not at risk from this virus, and after ANYONE who wants the supposedly “awesome” vaccine can have one for free – people like this are still freaking out:

Your son is terrified because YOU terrified him.

Kids like this used to get wedgies. Now they get interviews on CNN. Newsflash – you’re gonna get sick, kid. It’s part of life. This is why science gave us immune systems.

This is a mental disorder. People like this should not be taken seriously in a sane society, and luckily in Lampasas they are the minority. Unfortunately, all is takes is a few loud morons like this to cause bad policies to be implemented by idiot school bureaucrats in the name of “safety”.

This kid wrongly believes that he will die from COVID if an airborne virus gets into his mouth, and that wearing a mask somehow will prevent that from happening. This is what the mask symbolizes to children. We have trained them to be afraid to breathe air because there is a killer virus lurking all around them that is looking for any opening it can find to get in their mouth. Keep the mask on or die.

He clearly doesn’t know that children almost never die from the virus. He doesn’t realize that he is infinitely more likely to die in a car accident than he is from COVID. He is not old enough to use logic like this on his own, so it’s up to his parent to be the adult and tell this child the truth. But she’s not doing that. Instead she’s exacerbating his fear and watching him plunge deeper into insanity.

If my daughter told me she thought the bogeyman was under her bed I would tell her she has nothing to worry about. If Veronica Rose’s son told her he thought the bogeyman was under his bed she would probably tell him that he was right, but if he wears a mask the bogeyman will leave him alone.

All it takes is a couple of moron, snowflake parents to start an avalanche. An avalanche that spooks our $170,000 per year superintendent to implement some new idiocy like mask mandates or remote learning – or worse. That is the LAST thing these kids need after being screwed last year.

The whole Facebook kerfuffle was started by THIS complete and utter moron – Chels LaJuan. The fact that this person is in charge of FOUR young lives as a single mother should scare the shit out of you. She is barely literate, has a low IQ and is ranting about how everyone needs to bow to her insane and illogical fears by re-implementing “online learned” [sic]:

This idiot ALSO wrongly believes that her kid will die from COVID if an airborne virus gets into her mouth, and that wearing a mask somehow will prevent that from happening. She thinks we should all have to accommodate her emotionally fragile offspring.

This Chels nitwit probably texts while driving, lets her kids wander freely around unprotected swimming pools without knowing how to swim, owns three pit bulls, and lets them play with plastic bags from the dry cleaners – but this VIRUS is what REALLY frightens her. This is a person who is incapable of rational thought and should not be in charge of four kids.

Online “learned” [sic] was a massive failure. Trust me, with you as a parent, this kid needs all the help she can get. Everyone needs to stop being such pussies. Stop getting your kid tested every time they sneeze. You are clearly a moron who can barely run your own life – don’t you dare try and call the shots for anyone else.

It’s all so “simply”! Just put these poor teachers through the useless bullshit of remote learning and impose all those costs again because this hood rat demands it:

These people are evil and you shouldn’t feel the need to be nice or cordial to them. Remember that they are trying to abuse your children, they are your enemy, and they should be treated as such. Under no circumstances should you attempt to find common ground with them. They seek to destroy your way of life, and you should seek to destroy theirs.