Unemployed Socialist Bum Who Lives With Parents Now Head Of Lampasas County Democrats

Congratulations to the Lampasas County Democrats for appointing this socialist specimen to be the face of their organization! Clayton Tucker has alternately claimed to be a farmer, a cowboy and a rancher, but in reality he is none of those things. He’s just a 31-year-old trust fund dork who still lives with his parents:

Back when he wore a woman’s hat from Buc-ee’s gas station
Typical rancher’s build complete with spare tire and twiggy arms

The fake cowboy hat is a BIG part of Comrade Clayton’s costume. He uses it to try and convince the average Joe he is a hard-working cowboy/rancher/farmer guy. In reality, he is a socialist bum who lives off his parents:

Clayton Tucker’s Amazing Magic Hat Moves Around the Room

Comrade Clayton will have plenty of time to Tweet to the world in the name of Lampasas since he doesn’t have a real job….and never has:

Clayton Tucker Resumé – Light On Actual Work, Heavy On Bullshit

Well, he DOES occasionally go down to Austin and hold signs at rallies for socialists and communists, but that doesn’t exactly pay the bills. Luckily, Comrade Clayton HAS no bills, because he lives in an upstairs room at his parents house at 208 S Western Street.

Comrade Clayton is already vaxxed, but like a good little Brown Shirt commie, he STILL wears a mask

He loves, loves, LOVES Robert Francis O’Rourke and Bernie Sanders. Like, REALLY loves them:

Right hand on Robert’s ass, left hand holding man purse stuffed full of commie literature. Classic
Heading to the NAMBLA convention!!

Comrade Clayton is a HUGE fan of all of the following:

The Green New Deal, Critical Race Theory, forced masking and vaxxing, open borders, sanctuary cities, government takeover of health care, “free” college for everyone, universal basic income, unsecured elections with zero photo ID, Big Tech censorship of “misinformation”, abolish the filibuster.

Remember, every time Comrade Clayton goes to Austin rallies or gets interviewed by some liberal rag, he will be SURE to utter the name of our town right along with his socialist schemes and policy demands!
