Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris Wrong Again

Wait a sec…I feel like I’ve typed those words before. Hold on.

Oh yeah:

Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris Wrong About HCQ

I think there are a few more somewhere. Just type “Potato Head” into the search box and they’ll all pop up.

The latest lie she fell for and re-distributed was this one:

As a matter of fact, my immune system DOES work fine, you tool.

[Actually if you’ve “had Covid before” you are immune, numb nuts! Plenty of high-profile ACTUAL medical doctors understand this. It’s been known for about 100 years.]

Of course, a couple weeks later, the CDC admitted that was a pile of nonsense and retracted the entire thing – making Potato Head Steph look like a horse’s ass for the umpteenth time:

CDC Director Admits Claim That Over 99% of In-Hospital Covid Deaths Were Among Unvaccinated People Was Junk

Israel is also seeing the exact OPPOSITE of what Mrs. Potato Head declares:

Potato Head still thinks masks work too! LOL. Wrong yet again!

Wearing a mask may be sexy for YOU, as it obscures the view of those lovely pearly yellows you have. I’ll pass on wearing one, thanks:

Never take health advice from a clown in a muumuu

Don’t expect Potato Head to ever admit she fell for more hysterical Covid bullshit. She spends her entire life doing it. Just like her buddy Comrade Clayton Tucker:

Sometimes I almost feel sorry for her. Residing on the far left of the Bell Curve with Haywood and Tucker and Maxine Waters must be very depressing. Plus she also raised a little communist kid who lives in Oregon who looks like a huge disappointment to the family. I think I’d kill myself if that happened to me, so I try to have a little empathy.

But then I remember that this moron is a barely-disguised authoritarian who wants unvaccinated citizens to be shut out of society and any empathy I had vanishes immediately. Fuck her.