Stingy deGraffenreid Does It Again – Pool Season Ends Early Thanks To Failure To Pay Lifeguards Normal Wage

Back on June 22nd, the city was forced to close the pool unexpectedly because of “staffing issues”. These issues stem from Stingy deGraffenreid’s refusal to pay lifeguards a normal wage. I’ve been on this story like stink on shit for a year now and predicted this would happen.

The pool has only been open 5 days a week this season instead of the normal six, because of this “staffing issue”.

Back on June 22nd I also said “I’ll bet you Finley’s left nut that this isn’t the last time this happens.

Well, looks like Finley just lost his nut in a bet:

So nice of them to give everyone 48 hours notice before they close the pool two weeks early. They are SUPPOSED to close when school starts again – which is around August 12th or 13 – another two weeks from now.

So for those of you who had plans next week to get in a few more fun times at the pool with the kids – you’re shit out of luck. But that’s the way it works with government bureaucrats: costs go up and service goes down. Finley would have made an excellent postmaster general.