Inbred LEDC Decides To Inbreed Some More – Talbert Takes The Wheel

It was barely a month ago that I laid out my case for TJ Monroe to be removed from the LEDC. There is simply too much of a conflict of interest – Mayor Monroe overseeing the LEDC (Lampasas Economic Dunces Club) upon which she also happens to sit as a board member.

Ditto for Talbert.

The incestuous nature of these two groups is a large reason (in my humble opinion) that the LEDC has gotten away with wasting MILLIONS and accomplishing nothing – all while the same group of four or five numbnuts get to keep calling the shots.

Instead of maybe taking these facts into consideration, the inbred group decided to double down and inbreed even harder this week. From the 7/16/21 council meeting packet out today [page 149]:

“The LEDC met and voted to appoint Misti Talbert as President of the Lampasas Economic Development Board.”

Seems like just yesterday, I was reading a “Misti-eyed” (get it??) “riding off into the sunset” farewell full of plenty of self-aggrandizement, eh? Actually it was May 26th. Congratulations! You managed to stay out of the limelight for an entire 57 days!

I think maybe she needs a hobby. The lure of the limelight and the narcotic of that low-level celebrity and tiny bit of power is apparently too much to ignore for more than two months.

So, the woman who was behind countless episodes of wasteful spending as mayor for four years is now going to head up the LEDC. The LEDC which, by the way, just voted to take on another $1,500,000.00 in debt AND as a condition of that “favor” BancorpSouth is doing them, to EXTEND their previous loan another 10 years – costing the taxpayers and additional $207,000.

Bravo!! I look forward to several more years of costly bungling by the Dynamic Duo of Monroe and Talbert! Makes my job here SO much easier!