The supposed former “college professor” (who can’t spell correctly) is now an expert on the “delta variant” and the unapproved vaccine they are trying to shove down everyone’s throats. Between her and local moron Christopher McDaniel, it is clear that news of the death of the Covid Cult was greatly exaggerated. They are back and more determined than ever to try and scare you with horseshit.

According to today’s Radiogram and Rhonda Witcher:
“…it is still very important to get the vaccine. Many families have and will lose loved ones because of the hesitancy to take the vaccine.”
Recall that Rhonda was previously hysterical about “hospitals being overrun!” – which never happened. Why this retard thinks she has ANY credibility left is beyond me. She is an embarrassment to herself and her radio station.
Piss off, Rhonda. Your “delta” assertions are a gigantic pile of garbage. The Delta variant is FAR LESS deadly than previous strains. PERIOD. So please stfu with the fear-mongering, you decrepit old libtard.
Yes – it is more contagious, but WHO CARES about that?? Seriously, these retards STILL won’t accept that “covid” is here to stay forever. It is everywhere – like the flu. Even the super-duper Olympic bubble and strict procedures CANNOT STOP IT, as Japan found out in about 48 hours.
Funny how every single person pushing this vax shit so hard is an absolute rabid liberal who despises Trump. Just a coincidence, I am sure. Politics has nothing to do with it, right Haywood, Tucker, Witcher and all the rest of you?

I always love how people who don’t wear masks (because we know they don’t work) or submit an unapproved vax (because the vax is riskier than Covid to our cohort) are “rednecks” and “dumb hillbillies”. As someone who was valedictorian of their high school class and who attended one of the top 10 universities in the United States, I take umbrage at that.
Remember the good old days (about 2 years ago) when libtards would scream “my body, my choice”? Yeah, that’s out the window – a victim of libtard hypocrisy, like so many other things.
Instead of being a fear-mongering pussy, go out and get in shape and take vitamin D every day. THAT actually helps. Masks and lockdowns DON’T.
If you DO catch this thing, we now KNOW that Ivermectin and HCQ are EXTREMELY effective at treating it. Funny that a year ago when Trump suggested HCQ might work, these EXACT SAME LIBTARDS pooh-poohed the idea because “orange man bad”, right? But we are supposed to believe these same morons now, even though they have literally been wrong about EVERYTHING for the last 18 months?

Suck it, Witcher. Telling people they will DIE if they don’t take the vaccine is a major scumbag move. It simply isn’t true.