CPI Soars. Americans Being Screwed. Thanks Biden “Voters”.

Well, Biden-loving retards like Bruce Haywood, Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris, Clayton Tucker, Karen Spivey-Cummings and Julie Cain Landrum should be ecstatic this morning. The CPI came in at 5%. We all know inflation is running much hotter than this watered-down government-massaged number, but even with the lies, they managed a 5% print.

Consumer Prices Surge at Fastest Rate Since 1992

Seeing as how the average Lampasshole is getting 0% on their money in the bank, that means you are feeling a NEGATIVE 5% REAL rate right now. Your purchasing power is DECREASING by 5% per year – and likely MUCH more.

Cartoon: Biden's Inflation | Columnists | tulsaworld.com

Been to grocery store?

Pumped gas lately? Up 56.2% in CPI

Bought any clothing? Apparel prices +5.6% in CPI

Travelled anywhere? Transportation services in CPI +11.2%

Bought a house? (+19% )

This is what happens when you print trillions in fake confetti money and hand it out to everyone with a pulse. You get many more people CONSUMING with that unearned money while those same people PRODUCE nothing, since they are content to sit home and collect checks. The end result is MUCH more money chasing FAR fewer goods [see: housing prices, used car prices, every business in town trying to find workers, etc].

Now, those of us with brains know Biden did not REALLY win the election (see: Georgia cheating) but plenty of real-life morons DID vote for him and help bump his vote total up high enough so that cheating could push him over the edge. Those same morons cheered that the cheating got their guy in.

So, if you see Bruce or Karen or Clayton Tucker or any of the other brain-dead Biden voters, be sure to thank them for this mess!

Hell, Clayton is probably not aware of ANY of this because he lives in his parents’ house and spends all his time masturbating over Bernie Sanders tweets.