Funny how the biggest libtards around are the ones who scream loudest when it’s THEIR ox being gored:

The dummy got her wish….let’s see how things are going for her five months later…….

Oh. Shocker. You don’t like it much when the red-hot poker is being shoved up YOUR ass, do you?
Karen Spivey-Cummings has always been in a dead heat with Bruce Haywood when it came to being the most libtarded hypocrite around these parts. I commented on her repeatedly last year because she is a gigantic maskhole and Covid Cult nutjob.
These are the dunces that elect Marxists like Joe Biden and AOC, they scream to shut down the entire economy over a cold virus, scream for “free money” to be handed out to everyone to sit home and not work…then they wonder why the hell their property taxes, gas prices and the price of everything on the planet goes through the roof.
What’s the matter, clown horn? Don’t want to pay your “fair share”? According to you, tax cuts are evil and don’t work! But it’s different now that YOU want one, eh? What a dunce.

The sad part is that it’s mostly the old, retired libtards (like this Karen) who will be crushed the hardest by the policies of Biden, Harris and other Marxists. We’ll see prices go up 8% or 10% a year and their social security will go up only 2% a year, because that’s how the Feds slam your ass.
Have fun eating cat food, you dipshit.
You should just take a page out of fellow libtard Bruce Haywood’s Book of Hypocrisy! Demand all the free stuff and then just don’t pay any taxes:

It all comes down to something I learned in first grade but which libtards NEVER can figure out: TANSTAAFL