A weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way
A weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way, a weem-a-way
In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!
In the fish bowl, the pricey fish bowl, the Goldfish swim tonight!
Oooooh, oooooh eee-ooo-wam-a-way.
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New mayor sworn in tonight PLUS two new council members seated. We also get to hear Finley explain how the $200,000 they budgeted for Hostess House “revival” (NOT ‘remodel’!!) will be magically transformed like the fishes and the loaves to cover the $498,600 cost they are now estimating as the MINIMUM.

Lemme guess how Finley will explain it to us rubes: “buy board” something something something “jumping off point” blah blah blah “stakeholders” something something “spinoff benefits” blah blah blah.
Then the Goldfish will eagerly swallow his bullshit like so many food pellets in the water…their three-second memories completely forgetting there is only $200,000 budgeted for this debacle.
Ya’ll sing along now….