Well that didn’t take long.
Remember on March 12th when Finley stated in the newspaper that the Hostess House “upgrade” (NOT ‘remodel’!!) had a budget of $200,000?
I laughed at that the very same day and said “I’ll take the over on that”

Well, the estimates are coming in. Just like the ridiculous Bike Trail project, this one is FAR more expensive than they told us:

Apparently, it’ll cost $150,000 JUST to fix the “structural deficiencies” for “public event loads”. Which is odd, because I’ve gone to more than a few “public events” there that were loaded with people. Like the Casino Night back in 2013 or so.
The kitchen will cost between $23,000 and $88,000. Care to guess which one they will go with? I’m guessing Cathy Kuehne will insist on the best “even if it costs a little more” – seeing as how it’s not HER money. It’s YOURS.

The CHEAP version is a cool half a million. I’m sure they’ll get that all back by renting it out. It’ll only take about 97 years or so!

Then again, this is City council with T(otal) J(oke) Monroe at the helm now. NEVER underestimate their ability to go “full retard” and spring for the $771,000 package – which will end up being over a million by the time you multiply it by the “Finley Factor”.