TJ Monroe To Be Sworn In

Monday night will begin the era of TJ Monroe as mayor of Lampasas. TJ stands for “Total Joke”, as we will unfortunately see between now and May of 2023.

I foresee a LOT of grist for my mill over the next two years. This woman has literally been on the exact WRONG side of every issue both on City council AND the LEDC for ten years now. The wrong side means she ALWAYS votes to spend massive amounts of money on dubious projects and NEVER asks any important questions about it.

That’s pretty hard to do. Even the old saying about a broken clock being right twice a day doesn’t apply to her. I will never EVER forgive her and Williamson for voting to give Deorald Finney a TON of free stuff a couple years ago – the same Finney who is now selling his 67 houses for a HUGE profit thanks to the tsunami of Big City locusts now trying to escape their liberal shit holes like Elko, Nevada…Austin, TX and Norton, Ohio.

TJ and Chuck EVEN voted to WAIVE ALL BUILDING PERMIT FEES for Finney as well! Luckily, they were in the minority and Finney “only” got ‘free’ electrical hookups for all his houses (worth $72,000). If TJ and the other Goldfish had any brains, they would go back to Finney (who is currently building a mansion with all his riches) and try to claw back that $72,000.

Same goes for the $185,000 they handed to former City council chum “Greasy” Chris Harrison over at S2M2 (yet another developer) for Brodie Estates.

In honor of this special occasion, I wrote a limerick for TJ:

There once was a mayor named Monroe

Whose IQ was frighteningly low

Her only two skills

Are racking up bills

And squandering taxpayer dough