Proud Lampasshole Here

I’ve never been as proud to be a Lampasshole as I was last night.

As some of you may know, Putter and Gutters hosted a small documentary last night called “Seeing 2020: The Censored Science of the Covid-19 Pandemic

P&G was NOT affiliated with the group (America’s Frontline Doctors) – as they made sure to tell me at least 10 times last night. I understand why they have that disclaimer – because there is a small but vociferous gaggle of Karens, morons and douchebags like Heath Bishop (aka Hubert Humperdick) around this area who will loudly try to cancel any business who expresses their opinions on masks, HCQ and all the rest.

I went to this thing expecting maybe 20 nerds like myself who like to hear about randomized clinical trials and the medical history of the U.S. in handling other pandemics.

Instead, I saw at LEAST 100 people packed in there to watch this thing! Maybe more. HUGE turnout. I was floored. I’ve never been so proud of my town as I was right then. To see THAT many people take a couple hours out of their Thursday night to hear FACTS warmed my crusty black heart like you wouldn’t believe.

You know who I DIDN’T see there? The anti-science people who have tried to terrorize and crush us free breathers for the better part of a year. The type of liberal scum who like to vanish Twitter accounts and delete YouTube videos that actually deal with evidence and proof instead of a concocted narrative.

I did NOT see Julie Cain Landrum there. Or Rhonda Witcher. Or Heath Bishop (aka Hubert Humperdick). Or Bruce Haywood. Or Crazy Cane Lady Melissa Johnson. Or Potato Head Stephanie Fitzharris. Or Lola Barnes. Or Janet “Crazier” Crozier.

Not a single one of them.

I didn’t see them because they have no interest in science or truth. They are only interested in “Orange Man Bad” and signaling their virtue with a useless face diaper.

Potato Head Steph even wanted Trump brought up on “crimes against humanity” for suggesting HCQ (a drug that has been used safely for over 70 years) might help in treating Covid. Turns out he was 100% correct. Same with Ivermectin.

I spend most of my time on here bashing the shit out of Marxists, libtards and maskholes because this is a great town and I don’t want to see it infested with “progressive” scumworms. I won’t be happy until the last Covid rat and Big Government parasite has been driven far away from here to Portland Oregon or New York City.

I spend the rest of my time bashing idiot politicians and overpaid government bureaucrats because I know that SMALL government and low taxes are the key to a thriving town. Handing out FREE money (like the $72,000 that was given to Deorald Finney by our own City council or the $150,000 that was handed to S2M2) to subsidize developers to they can build 70 new houses that will fill up with liberal scum fleeing their own ruined cities makes me sick to my stomach. I’ll never let go of that bone. EVER.

There is a serious battle on for America right now. They used to say “if we lose Texas, we lose the Republic”. I think it’s far worse than that. If we lose Texas, we lose the Free World. I truly believe that is no exaggeration. As Lampassholes, we are DEAD CENTER in the heart of Texas. To see so many people out last night gave me hope that there are a ton of us out there – you just haven’t seen our anger yet.

Keep on pushing the bullshit on us, and I think you will. Critical race theory, vax passports, the “insurrection” lie, stolen elections, paying people not to work, inflation, killing pipelines, Hondurans flooding over the border freely, giant pinwheels ruining our electrical grid….and the list goes on.

Poke a dog long enough and you get bitten.