ManWhalePig’s Head Explodes In a Shower Of Eve’s Cheese Noodles

Quick question: would you rather have a million dollars, or Hubert Humperdick’s stomach full of quarters?

The dog is better looking than any human they would produce. Let’s face it.

Tough call.

Anyways, Humperdick’s head was exploding yesterday, along with thousands of other libtards, Marxists, and mask douchebags as Governor Abbott finally grew a pair of balls and did what should have been done months ago.

Governor who makes $150,000 per year finally makes the decisions that Chane Rascoe ($170,000 per year) should have made months ago. Some men are leaders. Some are cowards.

The irony here is that Humperdick likely uses a mobility scooter himself

“No one listened” when he lifted the stupid mask mandates? LOL. If you say so.

Clearly, ManWhalePig is so cross-eyed with rage he can’t even make a coherent insult.

What a rough week it has been for libtards like Humperdick, Melissa Johnson, Cade Snyder, Bruce Haywood and Potato Head Steph Fitzharris. Absolutely brutal week for the dummies…and it’s only Wednesday!!

FIRST, the state of Texas recorded ZERO Covid deaths a couple days ago. Remember when the libtards went ballistic on March 2nd about the mask mandate being lifted? Remember when they predicted death and mayhem?

Wrong, wrong, wrong and wrong. Libtards are never right when it comes to common sense, logic or math. It’s the same reason they think giant pinwheels are going to meet all of our energy needs.

NOW, Abbott is not only putting a further end to all this mask bullshit, he is ALSO cutting off the ridiculous “bonus” federal unemployment benefits as of next month.

This enrages ManWhalePig further! It’s not enough that we spend hundreds and hundreds of billions on all types of welfare. ManWhalePig demands we ALSO pay that “bonus” unemployment that is currently incentivizing people to sit on ass and collect a check. It’s not a coincidence that EVERY business in town is desperate for workers.

Ah yes! The very same manatee who I guarantee you has NEVER employed anyone in his life asks the same question as my 7-year-old niece: “why not just pay everyone a lot more?”

How about it, Humperdick? How many employees do you have? Are you paying them all $25/hr so they can “survive”?

Sure! Why not $25/hr? Why not $100? Libtards who ask this question have never run a business and don’t understand simple math. If someone shows up on the first day of work with zero skills and is only worth $8/hr to the business, you cannot pay him $25. You go broke that way, as you are losing $17/hr.

This is VERY simple math but too difficult of a concept for cetaceans to comprehend, apparently.

I try not to be TOO hard on him though. Obesity has clearly shrunk his pea brain. Maybe somebody can explain it to him with colored blocks and very small words? Or maybe some deep-sea whale clicks and singing?

I’ll never understand why morons like Humperdick even live in Texas in the first place! There are PLENTY of states that practice your preferred style of Big Government tyranny and economic retardation. I would suggest New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Michigan or perhaps Oregon. You can go there and strap on a mask for the rest of your life with the other sheep and little bitches. Maybe put on a little tutu also – so you can dance on your hind legs for your masters like a trained poodle.