Finley Had a Very Funny Joke…

I even wrote it down in my diary: “Finley had a very funny joke today”. I laughed about it later that night!

What was this side-splitter? It occurred on the radio Wednesday morning when Finley “No Bid” deGraffenreid was talking to local imbecile, radio station owner and Covid scaremonger Rhonda Witcher.

I have to admit, whenever I listen to the Wednesday morning “Meeting with the City Manager” spot between these two, I am ALWAYS remined of the movie “Best in Show” where Fred Willard’s Buck Laughlin character doesn’t know the first thing about purebred dogs or how they are judged, but he’s somehow secured the position of a color commentator at a prestigious dog show. He just sits there and asks the dumbest questions mixed in with idiotic observations and remarks.

Rhonda Witcher IS Buck Laughlin.

Huh – weird that Fred Willard is in both of those movie scene. RIP Fred.

Anyways, as Rhonda rambled about “technology” and asked inane questions, one of them required Finley “No Bid’ deGraffenreid to explain what “system” the City uses to decide whether a gadget or service is worth the money the City pays for it.

Finley’s answer?

“The city is generally pretty conservative in their expenditures…..and you can do a cost benefit analysis….”

BAHAHAHAHAHA. Finley “No Bid” deGraffenreid actually kept a straight face as he uttered the phrase “cost benefit analysis”. I am in tears over here.

So, it was “cost benefit analysis” that led you to mysteriously throw away the $34,000 DEAL you had with Broadcast Works for the City council audio/visual system and then go with a NO BID system from Azbell that cost almost ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS??

Was it “cost benefit analysis” that led you to spend $175,000 on a NO BID PREFAB BATHROOM that could have been had for $20,000 (page 7)???

Was it “cost benefit analysis” that made you ignore the $96,000 bid on the table from Austin Elevator Co and instead blow $128,000 to use RKJ Construction for an elevator that broke down constantly in the first years?

You make me laugh, Finley!