Last October, the City wasted $12,205 for some “plans” for a bike trail. I took a huge shit all over the idea, finding it moronic for a number of reasons. You can find that discussion at the link below:
City Blowing $12,000 To Study a “Mountain Bike Park”. No Seriously.
Councilman Randy “Speedbump” Clark was the lone voice of sanity voting AGAINST this idiotic expenditure. Yay Randy.
Misti and the Gang of Goldfish figured people needed more “outside activities” because of Covid. Yes, the same Misti and the Gang who closed the pool (outside activity) last year because of Covid. Don’t try to follow the “logic” of City council too closely – you will hurt your brain.
Misti and the Gang ALSO figured “hey, we can get the plans and most of it can be done by volunteers”, which I found to be laughable at the time. People coming to City council with grandiose plans ALWAYS say there will be lots of volunteers to do all the work, but when the time comes, the volunteers rarely materialize and the City foots a huge bill (**cough ** rodeo arena **cough ** community gardens ** cough**).
Well, the tab finally got tallied up by Trail Solutions [pages 32-60], and it is a WHOPPER. The trail-making company said they can provide this necessary bike park for the bargain price of $1,314,936 if the city wants to be cheap about it.
The “high range” for the bike park is an astounding $1,577,923

As profligate and retarded as most of the Goldfish are, there is NO WAY they will get away with pissing away that much money on a bike trail. Which means that the $12,205 wasted on “plans” was just another very stupid and costly decision by the likes of TJ Monroe and Chuck Williamson.
You’d think SOMEONE on city council would have asked for a ballpark estimate on the cost of a bike trail BEFORE they wasted $12,205. You’d be wrong in that assumption. The Goldfish ALWAYS shoot first and ask questions later.
But hey – ya’ll have 25 pages of very nice, glossy photos to put on the mantle. Twenty five pages of pipe dreams. A bargain at only $488 per page!