As a dog returns to his vomit, so doth a fool return to his folly….and my, there are a lot of fools (310, to be exact) repeating the folly of sending TJ Monroe back to City council – this time as mayor. A position she is completely unqualified to hold.
The GOOD news is that I am guaranteed two more years of poor decision making and profligate spending to ridicule.
The BAD news is YOU suckers are gonna pay for it!
Two more years of handing hundreds of thousands of dollars to developers, more developers and Pope Eckermann for the doomed “business” park.
Two more years of paying $96,000 for a $34,000 system. Two more years of shelling out $180,000 for a bathroom that could have been built for $20,000 (page 7).
Two more years of selling a building for $75,000 and then buying it back 15 months later for $229,000. Yes – that really happened. Then they spent $1.5 million renovating it! TJ Monroe was right in the thick of that idiocy, voting YES to all of it.

Two more years of pouring millions into the failed “business” park. Two more years of being tricked and suckered by con men like Mike Cour.
Oughta be a lot of fun!