Local lefty locust dummy Janet “Crazier” Crozier is in the news YET AGAIN! My goodness. Just nothing going your way, is it? That tends to happen when you are a moron who never thinks anything through.
From Facebook 4/28/21:

So you went out, worked hard (not really, they were donated, but you get the point) to accumulate these useful items and some douchebag came along and just took them all because he wanted them?
Now you know how I feel when socialist scumbags like Bernie Sanders and Clayton Tucker come after all MY shit. Kinda sucks, right?
Ironic that you (AND your idiot daughter Potato Head Steph) are a huge Clayton Tucker fan and want him on city council – seeing as how he is an actual socialist and wants to do this to everybody on a grand scale. Ironic indeed! And VERY funny to me!

Now, on Facebook, everyone is rushing to this idiot’s aid and offering donations. But they should know a few things first:
The Lampasas Community Gardens have ALREADY taken in close to $10,000 in donations, by my calculations – including FREE lumber. They also get FREE water from the City and FREE pest control provided by City workers. They are also trying to weasel MORE money from the LCRA.
With all that money thrown at them, did she buy a tool shed and lock?
No. She did not.
Instead of taking care of the common sense basics (like locking up your valuables) she instead wants to completely waste money on a rainwater collection system. Which is possibly her dumbest idea yet.
I hate thieves as much as anyone but when you leave your shit strewn all over the place in a secluded area (behind Hanna pool) with an easily-jumped fence surrounding it….well, you’re kinda asking for it. It’s like the morons who leave their $1,000 laptop sitting on the passenger seat of their car to tempt tweakers and scumbags. You have to use your brain A LITTLE, sweet cakes.
Also, to those kind souls who are throwing money at this idiot to replace her tools, please know that she STILL does not have a tool shed – which means the problem has still not been solved and this theft will be repeated.
I DID predict all this last October when I said:
“I can think of AT LEAST 10 problems with her plan – but I hesitate to write them up here, as I’d prefer to watch this all blow up on its own and not give her any help.“
Well, problem #3 of the ten problems I saw was THEFT! Only 9 more to go!