“Doctor” Chane Rascoe: Get Off Your Ass and Earn Your Ludicrous $170,000 Salary

Let’s go over what’s happened recently:

Abbott has rescinded the mask order.

Proof is irrefutable that kids don’t really spread Covid or die from it.

The CDC has admitted they were TOTALLY wrong and the virus is NOT spread through surface contact.

The CDC also no longer recommends Plexiglas barriers.

Cases are plummeting. Positivity plummeting. Hospitalizations plummeting. Deaths plummeting.

The vaccine is available to everyone.

So what does “Doctor” Chane Rascoe decide to do? Absolutely nothing. His attitude is “Eh, let’s just make them suffer til the end of the school year.”

God forbid you lift a finger to change anything, eh Chane?

Kids are still being FORCED to wear masks. Schools are still wasting piles of money on scrubbing, fumigating and Lysoling everything 100 times a day. There are STILL Plexiglas barriers all over the place. Little kids are forced to sit on dots six feet from each other like dogs.

Disgusting. Grow some balls and rescind all this bullshit. I’ve never seen such a huge gap between what a bureaucrat is paid and his actual usefulness as I see with Chane Rascoe. Good thing they just gave him a huge raise. He’s really earning it.