Alan Champagne – CEO of Eco-Flex – is a Lying Sack of Shit

Oh, the things you find in 800 pages of crap the City hands you, eh?

It only cost me about $350 and 30% of the pages they handed me were useless crap I never requested. But one thing we DID find was TWO huge smoking guns. The first one proves Alan Champagne (CEO of Eco-Flex) is a lying sack of shit.

The second one proves Mike Cour is also a liar. No big surprises there, but I always love to find proof in black and white emails that the guys who seem like shady bullshit artists trying to scam some tax dollars ARE actually just that.

This 800-page pile of paper does not shed any light on WHY the LEDC/Ec0-Turd partnership fell apart. Probably because they used a black magic marker to black out some of the interesting stuff and keep it away from my prying eyes. But there is enough there for me to make a good guess.

Photo evidence tomorrow! Stay tuned!