You’d think they would have learned from last year, when they couldn’t get anyone to apply as a lifeguard. Maybe they’d bump the pay up over the absolute minimum wage. Especially considering they expect you to have some abilities and skills: CPR and first aid certificates, etc.
Nope. They will still be offering a rock-bottom $7.25 per hour again this year:

Guess what happens when you offer shitty pay again and didn’t learn your lesson from last year? (yes, I brought this up LAST YEAR)
From tomorrow’s City council meeting packet:

Newspaper and website?? How about OFFERING A FAIR WAGE!!!??
This is ESPECIALLY galling, because it is the same group of hypocrites who like to “proactively” raise the pay of all the already-overpaid Nerf job holders at City Hall, to “keep them in line” with other profligate governments in the area.
I remember not too long ago, council was looking for a new Chamber of Commerce Director. The average salary for that position nationwide is about $49,000. But TJ Monroe (with ZERO evidence to back up her claims) said the City should pay “possibly $65,000 or $70,000” to attract a candidate. She was LITERALLY bidding up the salary against herself! Talk about a moron!! They didn’t even TRY to put the job out there at $49,000 first. Nope. Went STRAIGHT for a ridiculous $70,000.
I also recall the Nerf job of “Director of Economic Development” pay being DOUBLED once from $33,000 to $66,000 without so much as a peep.

And now sits at a ludicrous $75,000 PLUS $28,000 in bennies. All for copying and re-posting Facebook posts:

Hell, City council gave Finley a massive raise from $130,000 to $140,000 last May IN THE MIDDLE OF A PANDEMIC when millions of private sector workers lost their jobs and businesses. They had no problem shelling out an extra $10,000 per year for no reason whatsoever.
But when it comes to LOCAL kids who have to at least have some skills to “guard lives”, they offer a shitty and insulting bare minimum of $7.25/hr.