The great thing about socialists who think they know how to run everyone’s lives is that they leave a trail of interviews pontificating on issues they know nothing about. Clayton Tucker is no exception.
Remember – this kid has never held a steady job, as I detailed HERE. But he is an expert on everything from energy to farming to epidemiology. I found an old radio interview linked below. I’ll highlight some of the more ridiculous piles of crap Clayton spews:
Highlights with location in the interview:
00:17: “Tucker is a rancher in Lampasas” [no, he is not]
03:32: Tucker likens Covid to the Spanish Flu – something he has done repeatedly in other interviews. They are NOT the same. Spanish flu killed a lot of kids. Covid did not. Ergo, closing the schools was a TERRIBLE policy choice. Tucker has no kids of his own, so he should probably shut his mouth on this one.
04:50: Tucker wants to “force and pressure” people to wear masks. Tucker has claimed repeatedly that masks make a huge difference in Covid spread. He is wrong. Masks do NOTHING and there are mountains of evidence to back that up. But Tucker is a socialist – which means he will ALWAYS choose the side of government FORCING citizens to obey government.

06:20: Tucker complaining again about the little people in his district NOT wearing masks while he was out there campaigning. He didn’t see them in gas stations, etc. I really wish this little turd had run across me without my mask last fall. I’d have laughed in his face and given him an earful about being a Karen.
07:11: Tucker again telling us more people needed to wear masks as that lowers transmission (it doesn’t). He uses the phrase “clamp downs” several times. I told you the kid was a good little socialist!
08:39: “I’m wondering if you can give us a rancher’s perspective on the food supply in the U.S. and the effect on agriculture of Covid 19”.
BAHAHAHAHAHA!! Oh, my. First of all: NOT A RANCHER! But I’d love to hear how much food you supply the country off of your ranch, buddy. How many head of cattle, your techniques for pasture care, your experience at the cattle auctions. What’s that? You have never done any of that stuff? Clayton’s ignorance doesn’t stop him from bloviating on the U.S. food supply chain. He’s an expert on that too!
10:00: Now he’s an expert on meat packing plants.
11:15: Tucker spent 9 months teaching kindergarten in China, so he is an expert on U.S./Chinese international relations. He pontificates on this here.
12:35: Tucker is asked about abortion. He states that “I’m a very big believer in local control and the ability to control your own body is about as local as it gets“. Really Tucker? I guess your “local control” goes out the window when it comes to imposing a minimum wage on businesses and on mask mandates, though, right dummy? Wow. What a hypocrite.
15:45: Tucker now babbling about wind energy and how it can meet all our needs. His love of wind is the issue he is MOST wrong on. Building wind farms is a disaster. Read why HERE. Now he wants solar panels on the schools, businesses, etc. Quick question Tucker: do YOU have solar panels on YOUR house? Oh wait. You don’t own a house. You live with Mom and Dad. Do THEY have solar panels on their house? [Answer: no, they do not. You can see for yourself at 208 S Western Street, just south of the public library parking lot].
The shitty ideas are for thee and not me, right Tucker? Typical socialist scum.
I heard Clayton use the words “force”, “control” and “clamp down” a lot. I never heard him ONCE use the words “freedom” or “Constitution”. That tells you everything you need to know about this weasel.