Covid Update – Clayton Tucker Wrong About Yet Another Topic

School has now been in session for seven months. Zero student deaths and zero teacher deaths among a population of roughly 4,000 students and staff here in the LISD.

The “keep kids at home” crowd has 100% wrong. The “we need schools to be 100% virtual” crowd was 100% wrong.

You know who wanted schools to be 100% virtual? Clayton Tucker. He says so right here at the 4:40 mark in the video interview.

Tucker interview with liberal rag Austin American-Statesman

Keep in mind, Tucker has no kids and no real job. So for him to be demanding that kids (who are not at risk of dying from Covid) should stay home so mom and dad can scramble to work AND take care of the kids is absolutely ridiculous.

But weasels like Clayton don’t care about the many impacts of their uninformed decrees. They think they know everything when they actually know nothing.

Tucker also shows his ignorance when he keeps comparing Covid (which spared pretty much everyone under 50 in good health) to the 1918 Spanish Flu – which hit EVERYONE hard – and was especially hard on kids.

Keeping kids at home and away from schools for a virus that is FAR less lethal than the flu to the under-50 crowd will go down as one of the biggest fuckups in American history. Luckily, morons like Tucker did not get their way here in Texas and we were smart enough to send kids back to school last August.

I guess we should add “epidemiologist” to the list of professions Tucker Clayton likes to pretend to be.