I guess when you have so many false personas, it’s hard to remember them all. I guess Tucker WASN’T a rancher last year when he ran for Senate District 24.
He must have forgotten he was a rancher when he filled out his City council candidate form too, because under “occupation” he put “political organizer” – which means “rabble rouser”….NOT rancher.

What a hero! He’s going to give us all free stuff, save the kids from starvation and end a bunch of epidemics!
Are you going to cure acne and car sickness too?
I think Clayton Tucker has a huge list of fake “hats” and he randomly selects a few to wear each time he runs for office. They include: cowboy, rancher, farmer, teacher, beekeeper, writer, water researcher, environmental researcher, energy policy expert, educator, progressive organizer.
He also has a long list of problems he’s going to solve for you (all while LOWERING your taxes): child hunger, free health care, free education, infant mortality, affordable housing, suicide, maternal mortality (no, I’m not making this up), water scarcity, ‘climate chaos’, big pharma, teacher pay, illegal border jumpers (his solution is just let em in!).
He also like taking pictures in front of an old pickup truck that isn’t his to show that he is “salt of the earth”. That trickery is for the benefit of us rural Lampasas rubes. He didn’t dare show that during his run for TX Senate 24 since a dirty old gasoline truck from the 70’s would get him no points with the greentards and socialists. Back THEN he touted his REAL car: a sedan that gets great mileage.

Don’t forget, before he was a fake rancher, he was a fake cowboy!

Call me crazy, but I doubt a REAL cowboy or rancher needs to put “he/him/his” on his profile. That’s because REAL cowboys are men and they understand the basic science of only two genders. Apparently ‘progressive’ fake cowboys do not understand this.