Council Meeting 3-8-21 Live Updates

Well, left-wing scumbags have taken Gab down again. Guess we do this the old fashioned way:

5:37pm: Finley at the podium yapping about the Comprehensive Plan. Sounds like the old Soviet politburo and their Five Year Plans. Total waste of time.

(Kuehne STILL wearing the mask? Reminder: Kuehne has ALREADY had Covid, by her own admission. She is now IMMUNE. Why is she wearing a mask? Beats me. Why not add a beanie with a propeller on your head and complete the costume!)

There is no surer path to failure than having a small group of people “planning” the City economy, growth and “community character”. Especially when that small group includes bureaucrats like Finley and morons like Chuck Williamson and TJ Monroe.

Finley’s new favorite buzz words: “Growth Corridor”, “Stakeholders”, “Community Character”, “Smart Streets”

Hostess House update and discussion….

Wow. TJ piping up more than usual tonight! Perhaps trying to look “mayoral” ahead of the May election?

Another new elevator in the Hostess House building! That should be fun. Apparently the current elevator is “residential” and they want a “commercial”. Ummmm….what the fuck is the difference?? Does it get you from the first floor to the second floor? Yes? Great. Keep it.

I mean, Christ…if the existing elevator is so awful, why was it used successfully for all these years? Nobody asks these basic questions on City council. Maddening.

New “technology” rules for City employees…

IT Department finally starting to give some thought to maybe making sure City workers don’t, like, download viruses and ransomware and stuff. Cool! Only 19 months after The Great Ransomware Attack of 2019…but better late than never!

Workshop adjourned. Ten minute break until the regular meeting…

Me running to the garage fridge to stock up so I can make it through the rest of this shit….


As predicted, council approves the $6,600 to Reliant for “master plans” for the Hostess House. Unanimous approval. Kind of surprised Randy didn’t pipe up there.

Choosing website photo contest winner: the most important item of the night!

Aaaaand….that’s all folks. Four people watching on YouTube! That’s .0533% of the population of the town. Good stuff.