Too much wind and solar on a grid and you will get “ERCOT” with your pants down. Every time.
This chart of TX power generation shows you everything you need to know about trying to add lots of renewables to a grid.

The enormous variability of wind generation becomes instantly apparent. Wind is not real baseline power because it’s too unpredictable and variable. Power over sweep for wind is a third-power function of wind speed, so it’s always going to vary massively with small changes in wind velocity. It jumps all over the place. The variance is managed through fast spin natural gas plants that come online to take up the slack.
But we can see what happens when wind suddenly drops to near zero and stays there because, say, all your windmills are frozen solid in an ice storm.
Nat gas has been taking up wind’s slack and then some. It’s been going gangbusters trying to keep up. But demand is just too high and there’s just no more real, reliable power. The issue here is not too much fossil fuels – it’s not having enough. If the whole peak power of the TX system was nat gas and coal, we would have sailed through this with no issues. Same for nuclear.
At exactly the moment we needed peak power, the renewables went to near zero. So the grid broke. We see this time and time again where you have wind and solar exceeding about 30% of grid. We see it in Germany. We see it in California.
Working 96-98% of the time is not acceptable for things like power grids. It means you’re gonna get a week or two of this a year.
Listening to the green new deal grifters push more renewables to fix this is like watching a frat bro tell a pledge they just need a couple more shots of mescal to sober them up.
Even that moron Rhonda Witcher is jumping on the propaganda bandwagon. In the Feb 18th Radiogram, Rhonda tells us that “social media posts quickly turned to placing blame on renewable energy (mostly windmills), but that has since been found to be totally untrue”
Of course, Rhonda Witcher doesn’t provide any evidence that it is “totally untrue”. That is because Rhonda Witcher is a libtard devoid of logic, reason or any knowledge whatsoever.
These people are lying and they know it full well. they are making up “alternate facts” because, well, let’s face it, that kind of spin works.