Put This In Your Pipe And Smoke It…

All of you.

That means “Doctor” Rascoe, Dr. Hay, Potato-Head Fitzharris, Hubert “Heath” Humperdick, Julie Cain Landrum. Every single one of you mask-loving sheep can stick this in your pipe and inhale deeply.

You’ve been played. The evidence just keeps piling up:

A minute ago, I saw shocking, SHOCKING video of a maskless grocery story in Naples, FL Naples is in Collier County.

I compared deaths there to Imperial County, CA with one of the earliest mask mandates in the country

Yeah, Imperial has done way, way worse:


I literally saw video evidence that mask compliance is extremely bad in Collier. I also know this because I visited there TWICE in the last three months and I also didn’t wear a mask. Very few people did. So they must have had more cases, right?

I mean, Imperial will fine you up to $1,000, charge a misdemeanor and up to 90 days in jail if you don’t comply

Nope. Imperial is way way worse there too.


Now, you may be saying, well I assume Imperial is bigger and more dense, because that’s ALWAYS why numbers are worse, right?


Collier has 187 people per square mile, Imperial is 34.

Collier has more than 5x the density of Imperial County. So that doesn’t work.

You might also say, well Collier might have a younger population, that’s a big influence on outcomes, right?

Oh wait, turns out Collier’s median age is 50.8(!!!)

And Imperial’s is 32.4.

Collier’s median age is 57% higher than Imperial, and yet Imperial has done so, so much worse.

So here we have two counties, one with an early mandate when cases & deaths were very low, threatening their citizens with huge fines & literally jail time.

The other county has people openly not complying. That county is older, and 5x the density.

And their results are better. Not just better, MUCH better.

How could this happen? I thought the science on masks working is “CRYSTAL CLEAR”. Our “health authority” told me! It’s crystal clear! The CDC Director said so! And he has never been wrong!

Oh well. Who cares right? Masks work because they work? Brain-dead clowns who probably can’t even balance their checkbooks (like Melissa Johnson) are the “experts” because they “feel” it’s right.

Normal, rational people are not going to put up with this mask shit for much longer. Not to mention the COMPLETE MORONS now wearing two or three masks. Hopefully that brand of moron will asphyxiate with all those masks on and not grow up to spawn future generations of morons.

One can hope.