I Think Ronnie Witcher May Be A Chick. Rhonda Witcher?

There’s no way Ronnie Witcher is really a dude, right? I mean, NO guy gets as hysterical and panicky over obviously fake bullshit news like Ronnie has gotten over “Covid hospitalizations!!!” for months on end.

He probably believes in astrology and palm reading, too.

Rhonda has spent months and months parroting some of the most outlandish and retarded claims of the Covid Cult. He has told us repeatedly that Texas hospitals are about to be overrun and poor Covid patients would be left dying in the streets. We have heard this crap going back for MONTHS!

Here is the reality:


Funny how it kinda rises and peaks right in line with flu hospitalizations from years past, isn’t it, Rhonda?

It’s ALSO quite amazing how the total occupation stays constant, while Covid is peaking. Almost like other sicknesses are being reclassified as Covid or something.

You’ll never see REAL data like this in The Radiogram. That’s OK. I only grab six of them every morning to line my bird’s cage and start fires in the fireplace on cold nights.

Maybe Rhonda needs a competitor. A weekly, one-page folder over paper that isn’t filled with liberal twaddle and hysteria, perhaps? Hmmmm.