Oh Ronnie. I knew you were a raging leftist idiot, but kind of surprised you are THIS dumb.

Ronnie appears miffed that those nasty anti-vaxxers got a handout. Given the fact that people are dropping dead from the rushed-through-testing vaccines and the fact that Ronnie is hysterically afraid of Covid and will thus presumably be dumb enough to get injected himself, you’d think he might even THANK the groups urging caution over the novel and largely untested vaccine, right?
Wrong. He’s going to draw attention to it on his radio news broadcast and call it hypocrisy. So I’m going to return the favor.
Ronnie first grabbed $$ from Mandy Clause through the LEDC $100,000 giveaway that City council approved early this year. But apparently that was not enough to satisfy him.
THEN he nabbed another $18,400 from the feds through the PPP program. According to the PPP records database (which I own in its entirety), it is a sole proprietorship with six employees.
Makes me wonder how a leftist nut who sits in a booth by himself all day (far away from the deadly plague) was impacted AT ALL by this. Did the radio station go off the air? I don’t think it did. Seems to me that sitting isolated in a radio station is probably one of the SAFEST places to be and the LEAST affected by the Wuhan Flu.
According to his LEDC submission, Lampasas Radio had $16,666 in monthly revenue in 2019 along with $14,100 in monthly expenses….for a grand total of $30,792 in profit. Yet he somehow nabbed about $19,000 in ‘relief’ – which works out to about seven months worth of profit! Wonder how he pulled THAT off.
He informed Mandy Clause and the LEDC that the money he got from THEM would be used to “repair outdoor sign” and “other monthly bills” among other things.
Repairing his crap sign? LOL. Sounds pressing.
Of course, that doesn’t matter. A pinko moron will grab any free stuff he can – deserved or not.
We’ll be writing about Ronnie a LOT more in the near future. I don’t much care for his hysterical fearmongering and idiotic Covid updates in that liberal fish wrapper known as The Radiogram. So I am going to make it a project of mine to start tearing his observations apart.