I profiled local parade float Hubert Humperdick a while back. I pointed out his utter hypocrisy when it came to caring about his health. He is one of the most adamant maskholes around here and he’s at it again:

Ah yes…the “martyr argument”. I wear a mask because I am SUCH a good person. Look at me! Humperdick, you can go join the ranks of Melissa Johnson and Bruce Haywood now.
The big glaring error in his retarded comparison is that your flimsy, ill-fitting mask does NOT save lives and may ACTUALLY cause MORE viral spreading than wearing nothing at all!
Hubert is super smart, so he should know this. I KNOW he’s super smart because he was very, very proud of himself for getting a useless degree at age 39 recently:

Hey Hubert? Since you are SO smart, here are TWENTY FIVE STUDIES showing that masks are useless.
You might also read this in-depth study comparing counties WITH mask mandates with those WITHOUT mask mandates. The evidence is as plain as the chins on your face.
Also – please tell me why the local high school (where masks are mandatory for everyone) has exponentially more covid cases than Kline Whitis (where masks are relatively scarce).
I’ll let you chew on that a while, numb nuts.