Is that too harsh? Nah. Not after what he did this week.
First, let me first explain that Keith McBurnett is a ladder-climbing, government bureaucrat who makes more in a month than the average person in Burnet makes in a year.

[Note: these are 2018 numbers. LARGE raises were doled out to EVERYONE in the government-run school systems in 2019. It is likely Keith’s new salary number is more like $187,000. Also, don’t forget the fat bennies – medical and retirement. For Lampasas City gov, that runs roughly 40% of salary. I’ll be kind and assume 30% – which gives us an adjusted total of $243,000 annually. I then divide that by nine (NOT 12) since they all get summers off and voila: Keith is likely pulling down $27,000 PER MONTH]
Back to the story…..
Keith McBurnett sent out a letter to Burnet parents this week informing them of the death of middle-school principal Jeremy LeJeune. In this letter, he explained that LeJeune “had long battled a rare blood vessel disorder that required hospital visits and admissions“.
So far, so good. The poor guy had some serious medical issues.
The next part is where Keith McBurnett makes his outrageous claims: and shows what a parasitic worm he really is:
This past weekend “LeJeune recognized that he needed to go to the hospital. As part of the routine admission process, he tested positive for COVID-19. Although he was asymptomatic, it is likely that the virus exacerbated his condition”.
“Likely exacerbated”?? Says who? Keith McBurnett the government bureaucrat? Absolutely outrageous. Hey Keith, just because you are a government parasite who is paid more than most medical doctors, that doesn’t make you one – you wormy turd. Laying this death at the feet of “Covid” is the worst type of opportunistic, weasel move I have seen in a while.
I’m sure the HOSPITAL that LeJeune had the misfortune to check in to was more than happy to code this “Covid” so they could get more money. Keith McBurnett is happy to do it for the same reasons. Making it look like your school is wallowing in Covid deaths is a fantastic way to scam more $$$ from the taxpayer.
Keith McBurnett’s moronic public assertion that this was a “Covid death” was, of course, grabbed by an even more moronic press and we end up with THESE types of bullshit headlines:

Multiply horseshit stories like this about 50,000 times nationwide and you have now created a “pandemic”. This poor LeJeune guy was NOT a healthy individual, by McBurnett’s own admission.
McBurnett then shut down the school and instituted remote learning – which we all know is a complete joke.

Burnet school system has had 13 students and 25 staff members test positive AND RECOVER from Wuhan Flu this year – ZERO DEATHS. Their school system is about the size of ours (roughly 3,200 students and 550 staff). In that regard, they are doing FAR better than our school system (roughly 71 total students and staff infected and recovered). Zero deaths in either school, I’ll remind you.
Yet he shut the school down over the death of a man who clearly had issues before Covid hit and was asymptomatic! Overpaid turd Keith McBurnett uses Mr LeJeune’s death as a political football and an excuse to rob hundreds of students of a proper education. Instead, letting them sit around in pajamas all day “remote learning”.
I bet every single gov employee still gets a full paycheck though, eh Keith? Let’s look at Keith’s priorities over the years – I don’t see much about “educating children” but I DO see a whole lot of money grabbing and ladder climbing out of this bureaucrat parasite:

“Historic pay raises” to his bloated administrative staff! Quite a legacy you have there, Superintendent Numb Nuts.
I’ll never understand why the teachers don’t pick up pitchforks and torches over these bloated administrative salaries and useless positions. If I actually spent my day teaching and had to see some pinhead bureaucrat sit around all day pushing paper and making FOUR TIMES more money than me, I’d be pretty steamed about it.
Looks like I have a new gov parasite to keep an eye on! Can’t wait til the new salaries are published for 2019. Should be a real eye-opener for us poor taxpaying saps.
P.S. – just an observation for the maskholes: if the unfortunate Mr LeJeune had pre-existing medical conditions AND worked in the school system, I have to assume he was RELIGIOUS about wearing a mask and washing his hands, correct? All the kids wear masks too…and everyone else. Remember? All the “I protect you and you protect me” bullshit?
Soooo…ummmm… did he catch the virus in the first place?