Maybe THIS Is Why Infection Rates Are WAY Higher At The High School

A massive Danish study on mask usage found no statistically significant difference in coronavirus infection rates between mask-wearers and non-mask-wearers. In fact, according to the data, mask usage may actually increase the likelihood of infection (**cough** Lampasas High School **cough**)

It’s also important to note that these were surgical masks!! This means that your ridiculous cloth masks and the bandanas that some ‘health authorities’ love to recommend don’t stand a chance at all.

Not that it matters that high school kids are getting infected: who cares??? We NEED to spread this thing around and get herd immunity. There is no better way to do this than to let it spread among YOUNG HEALTHY HUMANS – like school kids under the age of 20. They are more likely to get hit by lightning than to die of Covid.

Now, if you are a 300 pound diabetic 8th grader, you have some problems already and your parents should be ashamed. Go buy a Narwall Mask and a Tyvek suit and get on a fricking diet.

If you are 78 years old and scared for your health, be my guest and wear masks 24/7. I don’t blame you, even though tons of old farts have gotten this and survived quite easily (Jack Nicklaus and his wife, Nick Saban, Donald Trump, Sen Chuck Grassley, etc). It is no skin off my ass if you wear a mask.

But don’t give me dirty looks at Walmart for showing my bare face like I have done for 50 years on this earth. I feel great and healthy. You know what that means? It can mean a few things:

I am perfectly healthy and don’t have Covid – therefore, I don’t need a mask. Kiss my ass.


I DO have Covid and am asymptomatic – which means I am an ASTRONOMICAL longshot to spread this to you…especially walking past you for 3 seconds in a grocery store. Therefore, I don’t need a mask. Kiss my ass again.

Now, if I get sick in the future and can’t stop coughing, I promise I will stay home and lay in bed watching Netflix and drinking Gatorade and will be nowhere near you. Therefore, kiss my ass one last time. If I ever cough or sneeze on you in a store or bar, feel free to punch my face. But it’ll never happen.

This thing was running around here LONG before March 15th and many of us have already had it. So stop being such pussies and thinking every healthy person is secretly a time bomb. There is nothing more sickening to me than seeing a 25yo chick driving by herself in a car with a mask on. That is very clear evidence that you are a serious moron.

“Doctor” Chane Rascoe spilled a good deal of ink in today’s Radiogram explaining why it’s not his fault the high school had to close. He makes it sound like his hands are tied and we just do what that state tells us to do if we have a 2% population of infected kids in the schools. Setting aside that this 2% number is completely arbitrary and meaningless and was just pulled from somebody’s anus 6 months ago, I must then wonder why we even NEED highly-paid superintendents and “assistant/assoc/deputy to the superintendents” to carry water for far-away state nannies. Seems to me we could cut out the middle man.

It also doesn’t explain why we don’t get rid of the idiotic mask mandate for kids. There are MOUNTAINS of proof they do nothing for kids. And don’t tell me THAT is a state mandate either, because just a couple months ago they sent out a survey floating the moronic idea that the under-10 crowd of kids should ALSO be wearing masks. That was (thankfully!) voted down but it tells me that the mask thing is open to a vote, no?

If the schools had just opened normally in August without all the ridiculous masks, plexiglas and fumigation of buses while Lysol wiping every other single surface in creation, the virus would have harmlessly run through the young population by now and this would all be over with.

But no. We are prolonging this whole thing AND spending a fortune doing it. All to “protect” kids that EVEN FAUCI now finally admits are safe from this thing.

But what about the teachers?? Well, for teachers under the age of 50, and that’s the vast majority of them, the odds of surviving a coronavirus infection are roughly 99.98%. For teachers under 70, the survival odds drop all the way to 99.5%. And by the way, if teachers do get sick, it likely won’t be from teaching. Children appear not to spread the coronavirus, at least not effectively.

Guess you don’t need a high IQ to make big bucks as a school administrator.